I pray…

I pray that we come to value each and every human for who they are, not what they are, or what they can produce.

I pray for the day when a person’s race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation does not limit their place/roles in life.

I pray that we come to learn that so many should not be hungry, thirsty or homeless when a few have more than they could use in a multitude of lifetimes.

I pray that we come to realize that earth is finite and we cannot continue to reproduce at breakneck speed.

I pray that each and every child that is born is planned for and wanted.  I pray that each and  every person that has children is ready and willing to be a parent and has the resources to raise that child.

I pray that we realize that mass ignorance is one of our worst enemies.   Education will not cure all ills, but it goes a long way towards that goal.

I pray that we wrest our governmental institutions away from corporations and persons more concerned with their individual profiteering than the good for the many.

I pray that our food production/supply stop being corporate enterprises focused on profit rather than healthy and ethical consumption.

I pray for the day when we realize that cost of bickering and maintaining militaries is ruinous and no one has an army.

I pray that we soon realize that no one should have nuclear weapons.

I pray for the day that everyone has work or a purpose that satisfies.

I pray for the day when we realize that if everyone practiced Right Livelihood many of our ills would go away.

I pray for the day when it is more important to build schools and hospitals rather than extravagant sports arenas and mega-churches.

I pray for the day when teachers make as much as first basemen or wide receivers or strikers.

I pray for the day when health care is a calling.

I pray for the day when we fund medical research because it is the right thing to do, and not leave it in the hands of those seeking to make obscene profits.

I pray we come to realize that capitalism may be good on the small scale, but it only amplifies greed on the massive scale.

I pray for the day when the myths that are religion fade away, and we realize what we have is the here and now.  We might work to make Now the best it can be.

Keep well.

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