I can die a happy man

I birdied 18 at Normandie Golf Course in St. Louis.  It is a 243 yard par 3 from the blues.  The hard part for me is that it is next to a busy street on the the left.  That street is not protected from the golf course, and I so want to hit snap hooks on that hole for some strange reason.

Today the blues tees were back a bit, making it around 250 yards. I put a driver to within 7 or 8 feet and made the putt.  Rest of the round sucked, but that made up for it.

2 Replies to “I can die a happy man”

  1. I had similar thoughts watching the PGA this weekend. Years ago during a media day event a couple of months before another PGA Championship, I played Southern Hills. On this day my group started on No. 2 and so we played No. 1 as our 18th hole. I don’t remember my score for that day, but I do remember winning the long-drive competition for the even with my drive on No. 1 and remember even more clearly the iron shot to within 12 feel and rolling in the birdie putt.

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