HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.

Here is a link to a blog entry on DamianSanders.net.  It is somewhat long, but is an interesting case study in what is so wrong with this country (world?) that has been hijacked by corporate greed.

HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.

I’ve been having a bit of a discussion about what is evil (See the article on Epicurus’  old questions).

It is obscene for the executives of these corporations to make the money they do.  There is absolutely no way any human is worth the money they are paid.   I know someone will bring up the increase in stockholder’s worth.  But  I would question how much would the stock be worth if they were not taking these massive compensation packages and this was true across corporations. 

So this massive transfer of wealth to the top few percent of the population continues.  The US and Mexico are at the top of the list in the disparity between the  very rich, very small percentage and the rest of their population.  This to  me is evil.

The exploitation and generally lack of caring that corporations have for their work force is evil.  The blog articles details corporate attitudes in this arena very well.  I know that Hewlett Packard is not an isolated incidence in unfair employee treatment.

My bottom line is that I do not care if you have two or more pieces of pie, but only after everyone has had at least one.

I am not sure exactly what a better system would look like, but the heart of capitalism is greed.  I used to think it was simply self-interest in improving one’s condition, but it has long ago transmuted to greed.  This is especially true when you get beyond a certain size organizationally. 

I keep hoping that humanity will get past this dog eat dog mentality, and treat each other fairly and respectfully.  I do not believe I will live that long.

2 Replies to “HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.”

  1. Mark (CEO) of HP needs a broomstick shoved about 3 feet deep in his you know what, because that is what he is doing to the people that actually make that company go…

    I get so mad when I read shyt like this gosh.. I have corporate America figured out… and it only took my 4 years out of college.. Corporate America is all about executives trying to get as rich as they possibly can by any means necessary. They never do anything at all to help out there normal “non” executive employees. They make it so hard on us in this azz dragging economy, giving us these dam measly 1% raises acting like that is all they can do (Saks inc), while the CEO gets over 30 million dollars in stock options… Steve Sadove (Saks CEO) may be good, but he aint that good!!! I have learned this too, the more money people seem to make, the more they want it and have to have it, and the less they want to help someone else out!!!!!

    Why should it be so dam hard for you and myself to make it in this world.. we are good people… The scumbags are the ones making the Millions while we are scrapping around at the bottom of the bucket for their leftovers. Makes me sick… I can go on for days about how I feel about this stuff… Corporate America by no means is fair, and I will never agree with it. Corporate America is a great synonym for the word GREED..

    If I ever make it to that level and I get like that (Greedy), I hope I have someone that will be there to kick my azz, chew me out and give me a reality check, before I build a road for myself that is constructed of nothing, but pure GREED!!! Greed will give your tail a one way ticket to Hell and I do not want to go there !!!

  2. (Note that I am an EDS-now-HP employee and am personally experiencing the pain of the company’s ‘decision’ to cut my pay.)

    MSNBC has a report on the complete opposite end of the spectrum – a company that shared a windfall profit with their employees. How unusual!


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