How cool is that?

Metropolitan St. Louis is more or less a Democratic area amidst the sea of red that is Republican Missouri.  However the sashaying Señora Weinhaus and I live in the suburb of Chesterfield which is smack dab in the middle of the 2nd Congressional District.  This is the district which has given us such Republican notables as Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin and Ann “What Climate Change” Wagner.  This time around Jill Schupp is running against Ann Wagner.

I have absolutely nothing positive to say about Wagner except one thing.  She inadvertently gave me the tagline for my blog.  In 2013 I posted an article on my blog, Ann Wagner, Global Warming Denier…Be scared, very scared. The article was picked up by the local alternative newspaper, Riverfront Times.  From there it was picked up by Huffpost. This is the only such time something like this has happened to an article on Curmudgeon-Alley.  Being linked to by HuffPost and being tapped on the shoulder by Larry Bird so he could get by me are my only claims to fame.   Of course once the article received some minimal attention nationally the critics came out.  It goes with the territory.  One such critic referred to me as a little known blogger.  I took that compliment and ran with it making it the tagline for my blog, “Home of the Little Known Blogger”.

I would vote for just about anyone over Ann Wagner.  Fortunately we have a wonderful candidate in Jill Schupp.  She is currently a Missouri State Senator with very progressive ideas, something very refreshing in this red state.  I can go down her positions and say “hey that is where I stand”.  She is well known and well thought of in St. Louis.  From what I can gather she is truly a rarity, a good person in politics. Obviously I am for Jill and for a month now we have had her yard sign in our front yard.

Señora came home about lunch time from running errands and wanted to know why I had put a stuffed animal in the front yard.

I thoughtfully replied, “huh?”

Some unknown person has placed a white teddy bear (polar bear?) next to our Jill Schupp sign.

How cool is that?

Keep well.

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3 Replies to “How cool is that?”

  1. In response to a question…

    I was at a made for TV golf event with my father (I bought the tickets) to showcase a new golf course in Arkansas. Greg Norman was playing against Ivan Lendl, Wayne Gretzky and Larry Bird. Those three were playing a scramble against Norman who played his own ball. They took a break after 9. We were waiting on the 10th tee for the restart. I felt a tap on my shoulder, turned around to look at Bird’s chest. He was trying to get through the crowd to the tee box. I moved over. Norman won the competition.

  2. So cool! Where I am, I’d almost expect someone to have taken mine. Yup, I have a Jill Schupp sign in my yard even though we aren’t in her district. There’s no such thing as a national politician that only impacts the people in their district.

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