God’s Way of Saying It Is Okay

In these times when racism and bigotry seem to be rearing their horrendous heads with renewed vigor, I am reminded of a story that I tell from time.

My youngest brother is married to a charming Korean lady.  They have two very attractive children, obviously of mixed race, Korean and Caucasian (mainly British Isles and Scandinavia).

Many years ago my parents were visiting me when I lived in Jackson, Mississippi working for Saks of all companies.  We took a jaunt over to Vicksburg to see the very historic battleground there.  Afterwards we stopped at a little café that was run by a woman, a fairly recent immigrant from China. On the counter by the register was a picture of a couple children, again obviously of mixed race.

My mother, the proud grandmother, of two mixed race grand-kids commented on the picture.  She then shared the story of her grandchildren with this lady.  She went on to comment on how attractive her children were.

The Chinese lady responded by saying that the offspring of mixed race marriages are often very attractive, and that was God’s way of saying it is okay.

What a pleasant thought in these contentious days.

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