God Bless Costco

Missouri is opening for business May 4th. Whether this is a good idea or not , will be seen.  I am not sure what St. Louis County will do as we have been the worst hit county and city in the state.  I’m unclear if they even have the option of going against what our wonderful Republican governor dictates.

I received an advertising email this morning from Costco.  Maybe they have been sending them out during the quarantine, but this is the first one I remember receiving in a while.  In it they detailed their guidelines for being in their stores:

Face Mask Requirements

To protect our members and employees, effective May 4, all Costco members and guests must wear a mask or face covering that covers the mouth and nose at all times while at Costco. This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 2 or to individuals who are unable to wear a mask or face covering due to a medical condition.

The use of a mask or face covering should not be seen as a substitute for social distancing. Please continue to observe rules regarding appropriate distancing while on Costco premises. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

To see the rest of their COVID-19 guidelines go here: Updates and Coronavirus Response

I’ve been a bit upset as it seems a large segment of our population does not care about everyone’s health.  I understand our younger members, a little, because many teenagers and 20 somethings feel invincible.  I am sure they  feel they have nothing to worry about for themselves.  I do wish they would worry about grandma though.

It is the older folks I do not understand.  There was a “gentleman” in Lowes the other day that seem to want to emphasize his lack of a mask by the big unlit stogie in his pie hole.    It strikes me many of these folks are a making a political statement by not wearing masks or wearing gloves.  But given the comments of the POS in the White House, the POS Vice President wandering around Mayo Clinic without a mask, it is not surprising.

I do find it very sad that many times the corporations have more sense and leadership than our government.  They are keying in on what the majority of their customers want.

Who would have ever thought  the movie Idioocracy was so prophetic.

And so it goes.

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One Reply to “God Bless Costco”

  1. I went to Costco early yesterday morning, during Oldies hour. Everyone wore a mask and most of us had gloves on. Social distancing was observed so it was a low stress experience. I’m in Illinois so we’re on lock down for another month. I’m gonna need to go back for more Margaritas.

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