Gift Idea for Yours Truly

I see the above sign often around the St. Louis area.  Sometimes instead of Student is reads Permit. It just a small cautionary signal to other drivers about an inexperienced driver who may need a little slack.  Sometimes I have wanted one with the not so original saying: “Please Be Patient, I’m from out of town”

So I started wondering if that they made such signs/bumper stickers for “Senior Drivers” as it might be a good gift idea for someone I am intimately acquainted with.  No drum roll please, they do.
Do I need to put one  on all three vehicles, I drive all of them differently?  I pick and chose my places, but I drive my Miata, well, like a sports cars.  I drive my Tacoma fairly staidly, and Señora’s Outback even more so.  I about have the leaving the blinker on for miles and miles down pat.  I am not so prone to push right on red like I used to.  I’ve  recently quit looking at speed limits simply as suggestions.  Wonder if I could get an insurance discount if I had one of these on each of our vehicles.  Or maybe I should just be content that I am still driving at my advanced age…

Of course, I might need another sign that reads “I brake for rest stops.”

And so it goes.


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