Feedback Requested

See the picture below.  This was sent to me by a person I care about.  I thought the picture was misogynist and promoted violence towards women.  I pointed this out to him. The sender took umbrage at this.

What do you think?  Is it an appropriate picture?  And just for grins and giggles if you do respond indicate your gender.  And please keep your discourse civil as I said it is from someone I care about.  Either he is off base or I am.

Then later on I passed a series of pictures of strange behaviour at beach. One picture was pulled out and indicated to me that it was misogynist. See below. I am going to assume my educational efforts have paid off????

8 Replies to “Feedback Requested”

  1. female – agreed inappropriate – misogynist and promotes violence towards women – we’re long past the days when women were supposed to be barefoot and prego and stay home – and the idea that hitting a woman for anything, much less for not staying in the kitchen is offensive

  2. Male
    I really didn’t understand the picture at first. And I had to look up the definition to misogynist. I do not condone violence to women either physical or verbal. It is a right of passage in some cultures. I have been around Hispanics all my life, and seen how that generational curse is handed down.I have also seen women who allow this type of abuse to continue due to fear of being alone. When it has happened to my stepdaughters the country boy blood in me boils and I think of returning evil for evil. I have to turn to my system of serenity to keep revenge bottled up. The court systems fail to punish or help people break the cycle of abuse. Time in jail at a high bond for a few months helps cool things down. But the financial hard ship it puts on a family usually gets them out and back in the home. I have seen this several times in jail ministry.

  3. Female. I had to look twice at the first one. But I have to agree that it portrays violence against women. The wording was objectionable as well. Women are not refered to as ‘this’. The second one raised my hackles too.

  4. Female. No, this is not an appropriate picture. It portrays violence against women. I see it as abuse. It also, once again, ignores that fact that women are as mighty as men and then some. There are unlimited ways a woman or man can live their lives.
    I was brought up in a home where there were gender roles but that changed as time went on. I was always respected as a woman regardless of what chores or hobbies I had.
    I have taught my children and my students to always be good citizens and show respect to others and themselves. I might quote the golden rule…….

  5. Male, No I don’t think this necessarily shows an abused woman. Since I don’t know the full story behind the picture it simply could be a woman who grabbed a utensil from the cabinet and accidently bumped into the cabinet door because she was yelling at the kids while trying to cook supper for them. The utensil stayed in the kitchen while she went to the medicine cabinet to get something for her eye. I mean after all if other writers can read negatives into the picture … I can attempt to read the positives. As for the second picture it simply reminds me of two people happily playing on the beach. What is wrong with all these people looking for the bad in everything. Sometimes a picture is not worth a thousand words … many times it is simply a picture.

  6. I’m going to indulge in semantics here. While I agree that the first picture represents a perspective that most people would call misogynistic and that I find abhorrent, I don’t think it is necessarily the most accurate description to call it misogynistic. Misogyny means hatred of women by strict definition. While the last half a century of feminist thought has equated patriachally organized culture with misogyny this is not necessarily true. It is certainly true that the image represents what most now consider an immoral viewpoint (i.e. that women, and conversely men, should abide by strict gender roles and be punished by physical violence for ignoring those roles) but this is not technically misogynistic. I don’t doubt that many people in the past and present who adhered strongly to those views considered women inferior but again that is not the same as hatred. I would agree with other viewpoints stated here that it portrays violence and abuse as acceptable but I would state that is really about stereotyping and a part of a large cultural change that needs to happen about the appropriateness of violence as a solution to ANY conflict or difference. I don’t really think the second image portrays violence per say. It seems to me as if the man is about to play a very mean-spirited joke on the woman while she is mugging for the camera. Violence or humiliation in miniature perhaps?

  7. Female. We read into it WHATEVER makes us feel good or bad (at the moment). A million people can look at the exact same “picture” and come up with 100 million different interpertations.

    Personally, I find it OFFENSIVE!!!!!!!

  8. Male
    First one is definately portraying and advocating violence against women. I take it the teapot further indicates a “tea party” view.

    The second (beach) picture, I’m not so sure. Looks like kids goofing around to me.

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