Fake Job Ads defraud Americans

The goal is is run ads advertising a job to comply with the law, but not hire Americans. They want to bring in the cheaper green card labor from overseas.

This is why this country is going to down the drain. These high power corporate types have no loyalty to this cournty.

They may be complying with the letter of the law, but this seems at the very minmum very unethical.

Again I do know how these folks sleep at night, or look themselves in the mirror.

One Reply to “Fake Job Ads defraud Americans”

  1. They sleep in the most luxurious beds probably with a young nubile wife. The mirror is more than likely set in gold and diamond encrusted and they will be wearing expensive designer clothes that can cost more than a normal american makes in a year. They sleep in multi-millin dollar houses more than likely in a gated community or private estate to keep the riff raff out (not rich normal americans).

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