Etiquette Questions

Scenario #1 – You are in Safeway, Saks Fifth Avenue, Wal-Mart, wherever it is that you like you like to shop.  The Sweet Young Thing  (SYT) in front of you decides to get something from the bottom shelf.  In order to do so she bends over from the waist revealing the required tattoo in the small of her back.

Etiquette question #1 – Are you allowed to compliment her on her tattoo?

Etiquette question #2 – Let’s say for the sake of argument the answer to question one is yes.  Can you then go on to compliment her on her pretty thong?

Scenario # 2 – I was at the golf course paying my green fee.  The bar maid / cashier had a form fitting zip up sweatshirt. The zipper was pulled down or only pulled up to a point about a hands width above her belly button.  This revealed (among other things) a pretty white lacy bra.

Etiquette question # 3 – Am I allowed to ask what detergent she uses to keep her unmentionables so white?

2 Replies to “Etiquette Questions”

  1. If you are Chris Isaak or the equivalent, comment and/or ask away. Otherwise, enjoy the view and remain silent.

    Life is unfair. If it were, the tatoo and thong would be just as attractive on SYT 20 years hence. That tatoo will look like someone’s doodle on a crumpled sheet of paper and she’ll dare not wear the thong for fear of losing it with recovery possible only through surgery.

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