Elections by Lottery

See link to a podcast at end of article.

I do not not know if this is a good idea.  I do not know if this is a bad idea.  I do know it is an interesting idea.

I believe I would get very little argument if I were to state that our current process of electing folks to public office is dysfunctional trending towards the cluster f*** arena.

I’m not sure where this idea first originated, but they have been experimenting with this election process in Bolivia, in schools there.  The process is basically instead of having traditional elections with campaigning you have a lottery.  Everyone who might want a particular office puts the equivalent of  their name in a hat.  If their name is drawn out they get the office.  At least at this low level the results have been good, and perhaps better than traditional elections.  It has the bonus of people who are not willing to go through the campaigning process are willing to enter the lottery.  In many ways it quits being a beauty contest. Most of the folks “elected” via lottery have stepped up to the plate and done a good job.

Obviously, there are  zillions of details that would have to be ironed out, but I am attracted to the idea.  I recall a gentleman in Arkansas who worked for the state.  His job was maintaining rest areas along I-40, a needed and respectable job.  His hobby was getting his name on the ballot every election season for governor or president.  I am not remembering which.  While our maintenance man  could not have been worst than some of the bozos in office now, it does leads me to think there might be some minimal qualifications for being entered into the lottery.   I have gone back and forth on term limits.  I hate to run qualified people out of the offices, but far too many stay in place for far too long. This method would certainly take care of that issue.  And can you imagine the benefit of getting money and its influence out of the election process.  No more, weeks and weeks of obnoxious political ads.

One of the podcast I listen to is Malcolm Galdwell’s Revisionist History.  It is an absolute gem of a podcast and well worth your time.  Below is a link to listen to the episode wherein Malcolm explores the concept of elections by lotteries.


Keep well.

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One Reply to “Elections by Lottery”

  1. My Libra brain won’t let me say whether this is a good idea or a bad one. However, I am in favor of term limits for all positions. Two terms period, but they shouldn’t all expire at the same time like representatives do now. There should be overlap so there’s someone around who has a clue how the heck things work.

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