Eavesdropping Terrorism

I’m really not an eavesdropper, but I am an observer.  Sometimes you cannot help but hear little snippets of conversation.

I was at the park stretching out before a jog.  A couple parking spots away from me were three twenty-somethings,  two gentlemen and a lady.  The young lady was highly tattooed and on crutches.  The two young men looked like a cross between 60ish hippies and members of an Indie rock band.  They seemed to just be out to enjoy the day.

As I stretched I heard a little snippet of conversation when the wind was coming at me, “Did you hear that she said that Ryan’s second child might not be his?”  Then the wind changed and conversation became muffled.

Now gossip is something that should be avoided like the plague.  Unfortunately, most humans engage in it from time to time, at least a little.  Of course, there are others for whom it is a passion.  I resisted the urge to drift their way and went on my jog.

But I did wonder about poor ole Ryan as I jogged.  Also I had to share the story with several  folks afterwards.  All of which made me think what could be a wonderful piece of theatre.  As you sit in a restaurant, bar, bus, or other area with strangers around, say something completely off the wall as in the Ryan snippet above.  Do it in a fairly loud voice, but then continue conversing with your companion in a much softer  voice.  Alternatively, you could catch your self after your comment and say, “I better finish this later”, like you suddenly remembered you were in a crowd.   With this alternative you could play while on your cell phone.

 Even if you do not see a reaction immediately (and looking for one would give the game away), perhaps you have planted a nagging question or worry in someone’s thoughts.

Having gone in that direction I begin to imagine what might possibly be some “loaded” fragments to toss into a crowd of ears.

“She had to give up one of the twins for adoption…”

“He thought she was coming at him with the knife, but instead she slashed the water bed with him and his…”

“His boss found some incriminating files his computer…”

“Harry got his new invention patented, and has some investors lined up.  He is looking for…”

“They found the mayor’s secretary’s Blackberry under…”

“George’s bookie is running out of patience with him, and sent…”

Not sure what one could call such an activity (alright sick does come to mind), perhaps Eavesdropping  Terrorism.

5 Replies to “Eavesdropping Terrorism”

  1. What is even MORE FUNNY is when the snippet finnaly gets back around to you and there have been additional MORE JUICY snippets added to it!

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