Does Ice Cream Cause Breast Cancer?

Is Your Favorite Ice Cream Made With Monsanto’s Artificial Hormones? – Huffington Post Article

Why my title?  It is a quick synopsis of the article by John Robbins in Huffington Posts. Basically rBGH, artificial growth hormone that is so prevalent in our milk supply was developed, pushed through FDA approval, and promoted by Monsanto Chemicals. One of the effects in cows of rBGH is increased IGF-1 in their milk. Monsanto’s own research showed that IGF-1  doubled in cows injected with the rBGH. Other researchers found up to a 6 times increase.

Why should you care? From the referenced article:

“…the European Commission’s authoritative international 16-member scientific committee. Their report said the excessive levels of IGF-1 found in the milk of cows injected with rBGH may pose serious risks of breast, colon and prostate cancer.

How serious is the increased risk? According to an article in the May 9, 1998 issue of the medical journal The Lancet, pre-menopausal women with even moderately elevated blood levels of IGF-1 are up to seven times more likely to develop breast cancer than women with lower levels.”

I once again ask the question why do these mega-corporations that are only concerned about profit continue to dictate and control food supplies, food safety, and FDA guidelines in this country?

Remember that your food dollars are votes for these practices.  Is the cheap food we are getting really worth the price we are paying?

2 Replies to “Does Ice Cream Cause Breast Cancer?”

  1. My food dollars don’t go to Tyson, Pilgrims Pride, any mass producer of milk….nobody who puts HFCS in their foods….my ovarian cancer problem was enough for me. Saw “Food Inc.” while doing chemo and it scared the hell out of me. Dropped all of it immediately. Yeah, it’s costing me more for my food, but I know where it comes from. If I could get even closer to a farmer’s outlet I would. The best way to fight the poisoners is to put your cash where your righteous indignation is.

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