Word of the Day – Sophistry

  • Noun:  Sophistry
    1. subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
    2. sophism
  • Synonyms:
    1.  paralogy
    2. paralogism
    3. false logic
    4. fallacious reasoning
    5. flaw in the argument
    6. inconclusive reasoning
    7. reasoning in a circle
    8. begging the question
  • Usage:
    1. “Privately, he knew that this was sophistry and so did any other Member competent to judge the matter.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Methuselah’s Children.

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Word of the Day – Fugacious

  • Adjective: Fugacious
    1. lasting a short time
  • Synonyms:
    1.  brief
    2. ephemeral
    3. evanescent
    4. fleeting
    5. impermanent
    6. momentary
    7. passing
    8. short-lived
    9. temporary
    10. transient
  • Usage:
    1. The Fed is still of the view that a lot of recent inflation is tr-tr-transit- … OK, we can’t use the T-word anymore, so maybe say that it’s fugacious?”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Krugman’s newsletter in the NYTimes: Wonking Out: What Would a Hard Landing Look Like?

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Word of the Day – Ammosexual

  • NounAmmosexual
    1. (slang, derogatory) A person obsessed with owning guns; a zealous supporter of the right to bear arms
    2. A person who exhibits an extreme love of firearms, possibly to the point of fetishization. Coined from ammunition and sexual, with sonic overtones of homosexual.
  • Synonyms:
    1. gunloon
    2. gun nut
    3. bellicist
  • Usage:
    1. “Guns aren’t just a tool of last resort. They’re awesome. That’s why people stroke them. And name them, and take pictures with them. You guys aren’t just firearm enthusiasts — you’re ammosexuals. (audience laughter and applause)

      And before you try and deny you have some sort of unnatural romantic relationship with your gun, consider this. You’re taking it out to dinner! (hysterical audience laughter) Because it completes you. Get a room.” ~~ From a Bill Maher skit

  • Encountered:
    1. Email from a friend stating that he encountered  a new word when “…reading an article about the fragile congresscritters that are sending out X-mas cards of them and their families posing with guns. It’s an appropriate word to describe their seriously unbalanced states of mind. If there is a god, I hope she decides to help us, soon.”

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Word of the Day – Liminal

  • Adjective: Liminal
    1. of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold : barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response liminal visual stimuli
    2. of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : in-between, transitional … in the liminal state between life and death.
  • Synonyms:
    1. transitional
    2. changeover
    3. interim
    4. changing
    5. fluid
    6. in flux
    7. unsettled
    8. intermediate
    9. indistinguishable
    10. inappreciable
    11. imperceptible
  • Usage:
    1. “… and one I’m actually quite good at, hovering in the liminal space between sensitivity and paranoia.”
  • Encountered:
    1. Reading the essay Not Grumpy Cat in Ross Gay’s The Book of Delights: Essays

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Word of the Day – Surfeit

  • Adjective: Surfeit

    1. an overabundant supply : excess
    2. an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in something (such as food or drink)
    3. disgust caused by excess
  • Synonyms:
    1. bellyful
    2. excess
    3. fat
    4. overabundance
    5. overage
    6. overflow
    7. overkill
    8. overmuch
    9. overplus
    10. oversupply
    11. plethora
    12. plus
    13. redundancy
    14. superabundance
    15. superfluity
    16. surplus
    17. surplusage
  • Usage:
    1. “I trembled to think of the ruined purses this day’s performances might result in. I could not help reflecting bodingly upon the intemperate zeal with which middle-aged men are apt to surfeit themselves upon a seductive folly which they have tasted for the first time. ”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Mark Twain’s The Innocents Abroad.

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Word of the Day – Bougie

  • Adjective: Bougie

    1. informal + usually disparaging : marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability
    2. “Aspiring to be a higher class than one is. Derived from bourgeois – meaning middle/upper class, traditionally despised by communists.” So in modern-day English, someone who is bougie is creating an air of wealth or upper class status — whether it’s true or not.
  • Synonyms:
    1.  bourgeois
    2. pretender
    3. wanna-be
  • Usage:
    1. “Jesús and Marcella are so bougie they would drown if it rained.”
  • Encountered:
    1. Another student of my iTalki teacher in Guatemala had used this word with him. He asked if I knew what it meant.  Truth is I had never heard it before.  So I am learning English from my Spanish teacher.

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Word of the Day – Screed

  • Noun: Screed

    1. a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious
    2. a leveled layer of material (e.g., cement) applied to a floor or other surface
  • Synonyms:
    1. rant
    2. harangue
    3. ranting
    4. diatribe
  • Usage:
    1. “Forgive me for turning today’s column into something between a personal rant and a screed, but in my highly unscientific personal experience playing golf recently, I’ve noticed an alarming uptick in a very annoying form of golf behavior. The most annoying golf behavior, perhaps.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading an Internet article: Attention golfers: Stop making this really annoying mistake on the golf course

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Word of the Day – Croquis

  • Noun: Croquis
    1.  a rough draft
  • Synonyms: (Being a stolen French word in specialized use in the art world, not many English synonyms found)
    1. sketch
    2. line drawing
    3. cartoon???
    4. under-drawing
  • Usage:
    1. “But what’s your ultimate goal, you’ll say. That goal will become clearer, will take shape slowly and surely, as the croquis becomes a sketch and the sketch a painting…”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading a didactic wall panel at the Beyond Van Gogh exhibit here is St. Louis

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Word of the Day – Parvenu

  • Noun: Parvenu

    1. a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
  • Synonyms:
    1.  upstart
    2. nouveau riche
  • Usage:
    1. “’I brought the old guys so that my drives look that much longer,’ Watson joked. But we prodded. No, really, what’s the deal? Nothing against these guys, but most tour pros are surrounded by agents, managers, instructors, equipment reps, siblings, former college teammates and general parvenus. (Some pros have enough lackeys to field a softball team.)”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading an Internet article: What would a tour pro shoot at your course? Bubba Watson helps us find out

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Word of the Day – Exogamy

  • Noun: Exogamy

    1. marriage outside of a specific group especially as required by custom or law
  • Synonyms:
    1. marriage
    2. wedlock
    3. spousal
    4. relationship
    5. intermarriage
    6. matrimony
    7. union
  • Usage:
    1. “’Most societies,’ she went on, ‘practice both exogamy and endogamy–a man must marry outside his family but inside his nation, race, religion, or some large group, and you Free Traders are no exception; you must cross to another moiety but you can’t marry fraki.'”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Citizen of the Galaxy.

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