Word of the Day – Opprobrious

  • Adjective:  Opprobrious
    1. expressive of opprobrium : scurrilous opprobrious language
    2. deserving of opprobrium
  • Noun:  Opprobrium
    1. something that brings disgrace
    2. public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious
  • Synonyms:
    1. abusive
    2. vituperative
    3. derogatory
    4. disparaging
    5. denigratory
    6. pejorative
    7. insulting
    8. offensive
    9. slanderous
    10. libelous
    11. bitchy
  • Usage:
    1. Asimov raised his hand. “I had read only about a quarter of it, ” he recalls in his memoirs, “when N. stopped me and used an opprobrious barnyard term to describe my writing. I had never heard a teacher  use a ‘dirty word’ before and I was shocked.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Joseph Telushkin’s book Words That Hurt Words That Heal.

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Word of the Day – Hegira

  • Noun:  Hegira
    1. a journey especially when undertaken to escape from a dangerous or undesirable situation
  • Synonyms:
    1. abandonment
    2. adieu
    3. bow out
    4. congé
    5. decampment
    6. desertion
    7. egress
    8. egression.
  • Usage:
    1. “Nevertheless, though it might mean that they must again pursue their weary hegira, the dominant race did not appear to have crowded the available living space.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Methuselah’s Children.

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Word of the Day – Wain

  • NounWain
    1.  a usually large and heavy vehicle for farm use; a hay wain
    2. Capitalized [short for Charles’s Wain] : big dipper
  • Synonyms:
    1. caravan
    2. carriage
    3. buckboard
    4. buggy
    5. caisson
    6. coach
    7. dray
    8. pushcart
  • Usage:
    1. “Sarloo took him in the common vehicle of the Jocaira, a wheelless wain shaped much like a soup bowl, which moved quietly and rapidly over the ground, skimming the surface in apparent contact.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Methuselah’s Children.

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Word of the Day – Sangfroid

  • Noun: Sangfroid
    1. self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain
    2. As an aside – sangfroid (sometimes hyphenated) is an English word from French, if you break down the French… sang refers to blood and froid is cold
  • Synonyms:
    1. aplomb
    2. calmness
    3. equanimity
    4. poise
    5. unflappability
  • Usage:
    1. “If you had said, ‘This, too, shall pass,’ I might have scratched your eyes out, recalls Michele, a mother of two from Arlington, Virginia. ‘If you had urged balance and sangfroid, I would have impaled you on the plumber’s helper.'”
  • Encountered:
    1. While on the throne pursuing my daily inspirational reading… in this case Living Life as a Thank You by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons

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Word of the Day – Manumission

  • Noun: Manumission
    1. the act or process of manumitting especially : formal emancipation from slavery
  • Synonyms:
    1.  emancipation
    2. enfranchisement
    3. freeing
    4. liberation
  • Usage:
    1. “Thorby’s leg hurt for a couple days; otherwise manumission left his life unchanged.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Citizen of the Galaxy.

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Word of the Day – Limn

  • Verb: Limn

    1. depict or describe in painting or words
    2. suffuse or highlight (something) with a bright color or light
  • Synonyms:
    1. delineate
    2. describe
    3. draw
    4. paint
    5. represent
  • Usage:
    1. “…which a pawpaw grove can feel like, especially standing inside of it midday, when the light limns the big leaves like stained glass and suddenly you’re inside something ancient and protective.”
  • Encountered:
    1. Reading the essay Pawpaw Grove in Ross Gay’s The Book of Delights: Essays

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Word of the Day – Barratry

  • Noun: Barratry
    1. the purchase or sale of office or preferment in church or state
    2. an unlawful act or fraudulent breach of duty by a master of a ship or by the mariners to the injury of the owner of the ship or cargo
    3. the persistent incitement of litigation
  • Synonyms:
    1. contravention
    2. dereliction
    3. disregard
    4. infraction
    5. infringement
    6. noncompliance
    7. offense
    8. violation
  • Usage:
    1. “But Captain Krausa listened quietly, then answered with real poetry–he accused the Losian of every crime from barratry to  mopery and dopery in the spaceways.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Citizen of the Galaxy.

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Word of the Day – Sophistry

  • Noun:  Sophistry
    1. subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
    2. sophism
  • Synonyms:
    1.  paralogy
    2. paralogism
    3. false logic
    4. fallacious reasoning
    5. flaw in the argument
    6. inconclusive reasoning
    7. reasoning in a circle
    8. begging the question
  • Usage:
    1. “Privately, he knew that this was sophistry and so did any other Member competent to judge the matter.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Methuselah’s Children.

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Word of the Day – Fugacious

  • Adjective: Fugacious
    1. lasting a short time
  • Synonyms:
    1.  brief
    2. ephemeral
    3. evanescent
    4. fleeting
    5. impermanent
    6. momentary
    7. passing
    8. short-lived
    9. temporary
    10. transient
  • Usage:
    1. The Fed is still of the view that a lot of recent inflation is tr-tr-transit- … OK, we can’t use the T-word anymore, so maybe say that it’s fugacious?”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Krugman’s newsletter in the NYTimes: Wonking Out: What Would a Hard Landing Look Like?

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Word of the Day – Ammosexual

  • NounAmmosexual
    1. (slang, derogatory) A person obsessed with owning guns; a zealous supporter of the right to bear arms
    2. A person who exhibits an extreme love of firearms, possibly to the point of fetishization. Coined from ammunition and sexual, with sonic overtones of homosexual.
  • Synonyms:
    1. gunloon
    2. gun nut
    3. bellicist
  • Usage:
    1. “Guns aren’t just a tool of last resort. They’re awesome. That’s why people stroke them. And name them, and take pictures with them. You guys aren’t just firearm enthusiasts — you’re ammosexuals. (audience laughter and applause)

      And before you try and deny you have some sort of unnatural romantic relationship with your gun, consider this. You’re taking it out to dinner! (hysterical audience laughter) Because it completes you. Get a room.” ~~ From a Bill Maher skit

  • Encountered:
    1. Email from a friend stating that he encountered  a new word when “…reading an article about the fragile congresscritters that are sending out X-mas cards of them and their families posing with guns. It’s an appropriate word to describe their seriously unbalanced states of mind. If there is a god, I hope she decides to help us, soon.”

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