Word of the Day – Supercilious

  • Adjective: Supercilious
    1. having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than other people
  • Synonyms:
    1. Arrogant
    2. Haughty
    3. Conceited
    4. Disdainful
    5. Overbearing
    6. Pompous
    7. Condescending
    8. Superior
    9. Patronizing
    10. Imperious
    11. Proud
    12. Snobbish
    13. Snobby
    14. Smug
    15. Scornful
    16. sneering
  • Usage:

“He had changed since his New Haven years. Now he was a sturdy, straw haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Word of the Day – Prolix

  •  Adjective: Prolix
    1. unduly prolonged or drawn out :  too long
    2. marked by or using an excess of words
  • Synonyms:
    1. long-winded
    2. verbose
    3. wordy
    4. pleonastic
    5. discursive
    6. rambling
    7. long-drawn-out
    8. overlong
    9. lengthy
    10. protracted
    11. interminable
  • Usage:

“Wintergreen determined the outcome by throwing all communications from General Peckem into the wastebasket. He found them too prolix.”


While reading Catch-22  by Joseph Heller

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Word of the Day – Apoplectic

  • Adjective:  Apoplectic

    1. medical :  of, relating to, or causing apoplexy or stroke; also :  affected with, susceptible to, or showing symptoms of apoplexy or stroke Note: Use of apoplectic in medical contexts relating to stroke still occurs but is now generally considered dated.
    2.  of a kind to cause or apparently cause stroke an apoplectic rage
    3.  extremely enraged was apoplectic over the news
  • Synonyms:
    1. angered
    2. angry
    3. ballistic
    4. enraged
  • Usage
    • “McCarthy surprised viewers earlier this season when she appeared as apoplectic White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and it’s a cameo we’ve looked forward to since. ”
  • Encountered

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Word of the Day – Asperity

  • Noun: Asperity
    1. roughness of manner or of temper :  harshness of behavior or speech that expresses bitterness or anger He asked with some asperity just what they were implying.
    2. rigor, severity    … whether hearing herself described as a ‘lovely woman’ softened the asperity of her grief … — Charles Dickens
    3. roughness of surface :  unevenness; also :  a tiny projection from a surface the asperities of the tongue
    4. roughness of sound
  • Synonyms:
    1. harshness
    2. sharpness
    3. abrasiveness
    4. roughness
    5. severity
    6. acerbity
    7. astringency
    8. tartness
    9. sarcasm
  • Usage
    • “Someone Trump deemed fit to be a spokesman for him appeared on television to put a tasty dressing on her employer’s word salad: “What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” To which a retired Army colonel appearing on the same program replied with amazed asperity: “The point of the nuclear triad is to be afraid to use the damn thing .”
  • Encountered

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Word of the Day – Amanuensis

  • Noun:
    1. plural amanuenses –  a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another; secretary
  • Synonyms:
    1. secretary
    2. stenographer
    3. transcriber
    4. scrivener
  • “But his deteriorating eyesight limited his diplomatic travels. By 1654, Milton was completely blind. For the final 20 years of his life, he would dictate his poetry, letters and polemical tracts to a series of amanuenses – his daughters, friends and fellow poets.”
  • Encountered

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Word of the Day – Mendicant


  • Noun: Mendicant
    1. someone (such as a member of a religious group) who lives by asking people for money or food
  • Synonyms:
    1. beggar
    2. monk
    3. panhandler
    4. pauper
    5. vagabound
  • Usage:

‘”This mendicant insists upon speaking to you, and pretends that you will be very glad to see him.”’

  • Encountered:

Reading The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

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Word of the Day – Augury


  •  Noun: Augury
    1. divination from auspices or omens; also : an instance of this
    2. omen, portent
  • Synonyms:
    1. Bodement
    2. Cast
    3. Forecast
    4. Foretelling
    5. Predicting
    6. Presaging
    7. Prognosis
    8. Prognostic
    9. Prognosticating
    10. Prognostication
    11. prophecy
    12. soothsaying
  • Usage:

“This smile appeared to d’Artagnan to be of bad augury.”

  • Encountered:

Reading The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

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Word of the Day – Cabal


  • Noun: Cabal
    1. the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also :  a group engaged in such artifices and intrigues
    2. club, group
  • Synonyms:
    1. clique
    2. faction
    3. coterie
    4. cell
    5. sect
    6. junta
    7. camarilla
  • Usage:

“Does my lord seriously wish me to name any one who was mixed up in the cabals of that day?”

  • Encountered:

While reading Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas

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Word of the Day – Pettifogger


  •  Noun: Pettifogger
    1. a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded, or disreputable :  shyster
    2. one given to quibbling over trifles
  • Synonyms:
    1. Dishonest
    2. Fraud
    3. Corruption
    4. Cheating
    5. Deception
    6. Deceit
    7. Gerrymandering
  • Usage:

“He owed me for the councillor, the pettifogger!”

  • Encountered:

While reading Twenty Years After by Alexandre

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Word for the Day – Manumission


  •  Noun: Manumission
    1. the act or process of manumitting; especially : formal emancipation from slavery
  • Synonyms:
    1. emancipation
    2. liberation
    3. release
    4. rescue
  • Usage:

“However, especially after 1800, most manumissions involved select slaves, and they were often the mixed-race relatives, in one way or another , of the master.”

  • Encountered:

While reading Colors Matters edited by Kimberly Jade Norwood

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