Word of the Day – Grass Widow

  • Noun: Grass Widow

    1. A woman who is divorced or separated from her husband.
    2. A woman whose husband is temporarily absent.
    3. An abandoned mistress.
    4. The mother of a child born out of wedlock..
  • Synonyms:
    1. Divorcee
  • Usage:

 “The other man’s voice was fainter, but his words were unmistakable enough: ‘Grass widows who turn into old maids have funny notions sometimes.’”.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The Servant Problem by Robert J. Young

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Word of the Day – Interlocutor


  • Noun: Interlocutor
    1. one who takes part in dialogue or conversation
    2. a man in the middle of the line in a minstrel show who questions the end men and acts as leader
  • Synonyms:
    1. Conversationalist
    2. Interrogator
    3. Interviewer
    4. Questioner
    5. Speaker
    6. Talker
    7. dialog
  • Usage:

“And the cardinal pointed with his finger to a chair for the young man, who was so astonished at what was passing that he awaited a second sign from his interlocutor before he obeyed.”

  • Encountered:

Reading The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

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Word of the Day – Execrable


  •  Adjective: Execrable
    1. deserving to be execrated :  detestable
    2. very bad :  wretched
  • Synonyms:
    1. Appalling
    2. Atrocious
    3. Lamentable
    4. Egregious
    5. Awful
    6. Dreadful
    7. Terrible
  • Usage:

“But the more common method is for a film genre to commit self-slaughter through laziness. The most recent one to throw itself upon its sword is the bromance, and the metaphorical sword in this case is the execrable new Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart comedy, Get Hard.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The once-mighty bromance is dead – and Get Hard killed it on the guardian.com

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Word of the Day – Artifice


  • Noun: Artifice
    1. clever or artful skill :  ingenuity
    2. an ingenious device or expedient
    3. an artful stratagem :  trick
    4. false or insincere behavior <social artifice>
  • Synonyms:
    1. Trickery
    2. Deceit
    3. Deception
    4. Duplicity
    5. Guile
    6. Cunning
    7. Artfulness
    8. Wiliness
    9. Chicanery
  • Usage:

“The queen, although astonished at this language, to which she was not accustomed from her courtiers, argued from it a happy omen of the zeal with which D’Artagnan would serve her in the accomplishment of her project. It was one of the Gascon’s artifices to hide his deep cunning occasionally under an appearance of rough loyalty.”

  • Encountered:

While reading Twenty Years After by Alexandre

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Word of the Day – Succubus

  • Noun: Succubus
    1. A female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.succubus_by_d3vilusion-d7k7bbd
    2. Any demon or evil spirit.
    3. A strumpet or prostitute.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Beast
    2. Monster
    3. Vampire
    4. Villain
  • Usage:

 “He was like a worn small rock whelmed by the successive waves of his voice. With his body he seemed to feed the voice that, succubus like, had fleshed its teeth in him.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

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Word of the Day – Apparatchiks

  • Adjective:  Apparatchiks

    1. a member of a communist party apparat.
    2. a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (such as a corporation or political party)
  • Synonyms:
    1. comrad
    2. sympathizer
    3. party drudge
  • Usage
    • “Now, this was never true, and in an era of rising inequality and declining traditional industries, some of the biggest beneficiaries of these safety net programs are members of the Trump-supporting white working class. But the modern G.O.P. basically consists of career apparatchiks who live in an intellectual bubble, and those Reagan-era stereotypes still dominate their picture of struggling Americans. ”
  • Encountered
    •  Paul Krugman editorial in the New York Times

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Word of the Day – Didactic

  • Adjective: Didactic
    1. designed or intended to teach
    2. intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment
    3. making moral observations
  • Synonyms:
    1.  Instructive
    2. Instructional
    3. Educational
    4. Educative
    5. Informative
    6. Informational
    7. Edifying
    8. Improving
    9. Perceptive
    10. Pedagogic
    11. Moralistic
  • Usage:

“I used to say this to Joey and Charlotte about my father himself when I got a little older, but they were always didactic, and said it was naughty of me.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler

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Word of the Day – Succubus

  • Noun: Succubus
    1. A female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.
    2. Any demon or evil spirit.
    3. A strumpet or prostitute.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Beast
    2. Monster
    3. Vampire
    4. Villain
  • Usage:

“He was like a worn small rock whelmed by the successive waves of his voice. With his body he seemed to feed the voice that, succubus like, had fleshed its teeth in him.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

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Word of the Day – Punctilious

  • Adjective: Punctilious
    1. very careful about behaving properly and doing things in a correct and accurate way
  • Synonyms:
    1. Meticulous
    2. Conscientious
    3. Diligent
    4. Scrupulous
    5. Careful
    6. Painstaking
    7. Rigorous
    8. Perfectionist
    9. Methodical
    10. Particular
    11. Strict
  • Usage:

“This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness. He was never quite still; there was always a tapping foot somewhere or the impatient opening and closing of a hand.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Word of the Day – Pasquinade

  • Noun: Pasquinade
    1. a satire or lampoon, originally one displayed or delivered publicly in a public place.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Burlesque
    2. Lampoon
    3. Satire
    4. Farce
    5. Parody
  • Usage:

“Most of those reports were a nightmare—grotesque, circumstantial, eager and untrue. When Michaelis’s testimony at the inquest brought to light Wilson’s suspicions of his wife I thought the whole tale would shortly be served up in racy pasquinade — but Catherine, who might have said anything, didn’t say a word.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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