Word of the Day – Revenant

  •  Noun:  Revenant
    1. a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Apparition
    2. Specter
    3. Phantasm
    4. Spook
    5. Shade
    6. Wraith
  • Usage:

“Under the head of demons are classified only such spirits as are believed to enter into relations with the human race; the term therefore includes (I) human souls regarded as genii or familiars, (2) such as receive a cult (for which see Ancestor Worship), and (3) ghosts or other malevolent revenants; excluded are souls conceived as inhabiting another world.

  • Encountered:

The new Leonardo DiCaprio film titled, The Revenant

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Word of the Day – Ameliorate

  •  Verb:  Ameliorate
    1. to make better or more tolerable
  • Synonyms:
    1. Improve
    2. Make better
    3. Enhance
    4. Help
    5. Boost
    6. Amend
  • Usage:
    • “Louisa, Louisa!” cried the father impatiently. “I cannot understand why Louisa should not behave in the normal way. I cannot see why she should only think of herself, and leave her family out of count. The thing is enough in itself, and she ought to try to ameliorate it as much as possible. And if–“
  • Encountered:
    • The short story Daughters of the Vicar by D. H. Lawrence

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Word of the Day – Ignominy

  • Noun: Ignominy
    1. deep personal humiliation and disgrace
    2. disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action
  • Synonyms:
    1. Discredit
    2. Disesteem
    3. Dishonor
    4. Disrepute
    5. Infamy
    6. Opprobrium
    7. Shame
  • Usage:
    • “Shame, blind, deep shame and ignominy overthrew his spirit and left it writhing. He stood there shrunk over himself, trying to obliterate himself.”
  • Encountered:
    • The short story The Thorn in the Flesh by D. H. Lawrence

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Word of the Day – Heliotrope

  • Noun: Heliotrope
    1. a plant of the borage family, cultivated for its fragrant purple or blue flowers, which are used in perfumeheliotrope
  • Adjective: Heliotrope
  1. a light purple color, similar to that typical of heliotrope flowers
  • Synonyms:
    1. Purple
    2. Burgundy
    3. Grape
  • Usage:
    • “Struggling with the string of a packet, she opened a white cardboard box, and there lay a white silk handkerchief packed neatly under the paper lace of the box, and her initial, worked in heliotrope, fully displayed. She smiled pleasantly, and gently put the box aside”
  • Encountered:
    • The short story The White Stocking by D. H. Lawrence

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Word of the Day – Peevish

  • Noun:  Peevish
    • querulous in temperament or mood
    • perversely obstinate
    • marked by ill temper
  • Synonyms:
    • Choleric
    • Crabby
    • Cranky
    • Grumpy
    • Snappish
  • Usage:
    • “So, her rather good-looking square face was peevish, she had that air of having been compelled all her life to serve unwillingly, and to control where she did not want to control.”
  • Encountered:
    • The short story Daughters of the Vicar by D. H. Lawrence

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Word of the Day – Collier

  • Noun:  Collier
    • A coal miner
    • A ship carrying coal
  • Synonyms:collier
    • Miner
    • Pitman
    • Coaler
    • Digger
  • Usage:
    • “”You don’t want to marry a collier, you little fool,” cried Mrs Lindley harshly. She lay obese and helpless upon the couch, swathed in a loose, dove-grey gown.”
  • Encountered:
    • The short story Daughters of the Vicar by D. H. Lawrence

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Word of the Day – Ignoramus

  •  Noun:  Ignoramus
    1. An ignorant or stupid person
    2. a person who does not know muchben carson
  • Synonyms:
    1. Blockhead
    2. Dimwit
    3. Dunce
    4. Fool
    5. Idiot
    6. Imbecile
    7. Numbskull
  • Usage: 
    • “They argue that they’ll get things done, Trump through the force of his will, and Carson because he is untainted by politics. Ask either one of them about a specific policy issue, and it quickly becomes clear that when it comes to the issues a president deals with, they’re utter ignoramuses, which is perhaps understandable, if less than reassuring. […]”
  • Encountered:

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Word of the Day – Anodyne

  • Adjective: Anodyne
    1. not likely to provoke dissent or offense; inoffensive, often deliberately so. “anodyne New Age music”
  • Noun: Anodyne
    1. a painkilling drug or medicine.
  • Synonyms (adjective):
  1. Harmless
  2. Benign
  3. Innocent
  4. Innocuous
  5. Inoffensive
  6. Safe
  • Usage:

“Like the Mule, it cut the ginger beer’s sweetness with half a lime, squeezed into the glass and then dropped into it. And like the Mule, it was based on the cutting-edge spirit of its day. In 1900—and here’s why I prefer the drink—that meant not an anodyne distillate like vodka, but rather a good, rich blended Scotch whisky.”

  • Encountered:

While reading an article on The Daily Beast – Mamie Taylor is the Original Moscow Mule

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Word of the Day – Chyron

  • Noun: Chyron
    1. an electronically generated caption superimposed on a television or movie screen.
  • Synonyms:
    1. None found
  • Usage:

“Reaction to the “nasty woman” line was ebullient on the left, trending on Twitter thanks to women appropriating the designation for themselves. Cable news was a garden of “nasty” chyrons for days afterwards..”

  • Encountered:

While reading an article on The Daily Beast – Trump Finally Pissed Off the Wrong Women. All of Them.

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Word of the Day – Sepulchral


  •  Adjective: sepulchral
    1. very sad and serious : very dismal or gloomy
    2. of or relating to a sepulchre
  • Synonyms:
    1. Gloomy
    2. Lugubrious
    3. Somber
    4. Melancholy
    5. Melancholic
    6. Sad
    7. Sorrowful
    8. Mournful
    9. Doleful
    10. Dismal
    11. literary dolorous
  • Usage:

‘”Amuse yourself well!” replied Bonacieux, in a sepulchral tone.’

  • Encountered:

Reading The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

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