Active Shooter Drill

I believe the world has gone absolutely, totally off its Effingham rocker.  Today at my workplace which is on the 7th floor of the tallest building in downtown St. Louis we had an active shooter drill.  I understand why the company may have felt the need to do this in today’s environment.  Plus I believe that since one of our primary activities is public transportation, they felt like we might be especially liable to such incidents.  I don’t know maybe.

The way they handled this was to have small meetings before appraising of us of the fact that we were going to have the drill.  They then went over what our responses should be.  Basically it was a fire drill type of situation.  If you can you are supposed to flee. In a non drill situation, if you could not flee then you need to hide. If you cannot hide then, and only then, do you fight with whatever is at hand.

They posted signs at all entrances Monday morning informing us there would the drill this week.  For drill they had St. Louis police there, paramedics, and counselors were to be available afterwards if anyone felt the need for one. Continue reading “Active Shooter Drill”

Flood Trump’s Twitter Feed

I have no delusions that this will go anywhere, but I do wish it would.  I think we need to flood Effingham Trump’s Twitter feed with postings of this sort.  Not sure how much good it would do as he is too stupid and too narcissistic to take a nation hating him to heart.    But I can hope.  Maybe if we overwhelmed his Twitter account, we would not be constantly exposed to his obscene comments.

Add to  this “cluster Effingham” the enabling, bought and paid for Republican Congress and this nation has essentially put a gun to its head and pulled the trigger.

I do wonder how long before I am blocked from posting on Effingham Trump’s Twitter feed. This is not the first time I’ve been outraged and done something like the below.



Continue reading “Flood Trump’s Twitter Feed”

Checks and Balances, Nukes – A Radiolab Podcast

The best way to tease you to listen to this podcast is their tease:

“President Richard Nixon once boasted that at any moment he could pick up a telephone and – in 20 minutes – kill 60 million people.  Such is the power of the US President over the nation’s nuclear arsenal.  But what if you were the military officer on the receiving end of that phone call? Could you refuse the order?

This episode, we profile one Air Force Major who asked that question back in the 1970s and learn how the very act of asking it was so dangerous it derailed his career.”

The officer profiled in this story was going through the Air Force training to be a Continue reading “Checks and Balances, Nukes – A Radiolab Podcast”

Why Police Shoot – Tampa Bay Times article

This is a very sad, and a very disturbing article.  There were two things in the story that really surprised me.  First, is that there are no real stats kept on police shootings!

“The Florida Department of Law Enforcement can say how many purse snatchings there were in any given year, but not how many times officers fired on citizens. The FBI’s statistics on police shootings aren’t much better. No one keeps accurate count.

“Embarrassing and ridiculous,” FBI director James B. Comey called the lack of data.

“Unacceptable,” former Attorney General Eric Holder called it.

For the past three years, shootings of unarmed black men caught on video have sparked outrage. But they are anecdotes. Without data, there’s no scope.

“How can we fix what we can’t measure?” asked Vanita Gupta, who headed the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division…”

The second thing that really surprised is the extent of police forfeiture and Continue reading “Why Police Shoot – Tampa Bay Times article”

EPA website removes climate science site from public view after two decades

Apparently anything that gets in the way of immediate profit is to verboten , no matter the future consequences.  Almost every time I look at a news site my stomach does a flip-flop over some new piece of idiocy.   Trump and his administration’s world view is totally incomprehensible to me.  The best I can figure these people have absolute no social conscience and probably no conscience at all…sick, sick, sick.

EPA website removes climate science site from public view after two decades

Trump executive order aims to allow Arctic drilling

Donald Trump has ‘dangerous mental illness’, say psychiatry experts at Yale conference

What a strange pass we have come to in this country. I’m just a lay person in this field, and it has looked to me for a while that being in touch with reality is not  one of effingham Trump’s traits.

From the article on

“Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness” and is not fit to lead the US, a group of psychiatrists has warned during a conference at Yale University.

Mental health experts claimed the President was “paranoid and delusional”, and said it was their “ethical responsibility” to warn the American public about the “dangers” Mr Trump’s psychological state poses to the country.”

Here is the link to the article: Donald Trump has ‘dangerous mental illness’, say psychiatry experts at Yale conference

BBC article – How Western Civilization Could Collapse

Here is an article I found worth my time to read.  An excerpt from the article is chilling.

“That economic stratification may lead to collapse on its own… Under this scenario, elites push society toward instability and eventual collapse by hoarding huge quantities of wealth and resources, and leaving little or none for commoners who vastly outnumber them yet support them with labour. Eventually, the working population crashes because the portion of wealth allocated to them is not enough, followed by collapse of the elites due to the absence of labour.”


The sad part to me is that this is a story that has repeated itself multiples in our history, yet we are not smart enough to learn from it. Or perhaps we do not have the gumption to push against the greedy hoarders and those more interested in the current profit.

Our Dishonest President – Link to LA Time Editorial

It is amazing that one of our major newspapers would be writing an article like this and calling for demonstrations.  What is even more amazing is that they are only speaking the truth.

“But if it is to do so, those who oppose the new president’s reckless and heartless agenda must make their voices heard. Protesters must raise their banners. Voters must turn out for elections. Members of Congress — including and especially Republicans — must find the political courage to stand up to Trump. Courts must safeguard the Constitution. State legislators must pass laws to protect their citizens and their policies from federal meddling. All of us who are in the business of holding leaders accountable must redouble our efforts to defend the truth from his cynical assaults.”  from the editorial

I always hate saying this, but it is a short read.  And it is worth your time.

Link to article: Our Dishonest President

The South Will Rise Again?

Last time I went backpacking in rural Missouri, the American flag was everywhere.  Unfortunately I have come to view the flying of our national flag more an expression of nationalism than of patriotism.  And that scares me.

Last weekend I went backpacking in very rural Arkansas.  I say rural.  In order to get to the trail-head, I went down several small, paved, county roads, and finally turned on a dirt county road which I followed for miles before turning onto a forest service road.  I was officially in the boonies.

I had not noticed driving there Continue reading “The South Will Rise Again?”

How do we get Trump to IKEA?

We had a small gathering at our house the other night in celebration of Robin achieving another year around the sun.  As sometimes happens the conversation turned to politics.  At least in our circle, these conversations never last a long time as we are all in consensus in being appalled and distressed at the current state of the country and the country’s politics.

I made the comment that Trump had started me praying again, a funny thing for an agnostic to do.  I do pray sometime, but I look at it as a way of focusing on what is upmost on my worry prone brain.  I elaborated by explaining that I pray every day that  Donald Trump Continue reading “How do we get Trump to IKEA?”