Quote for the Day – Paul Krugman

“It’s quite a comedown for Mr. Putin. And his swaggering strongman act helped set the stage for the disaster. A more open, accountable regime — one that wouldn’t have impressed Mr. Giuliani so much — would have been less corrupt, would probably have run up less debt, and would have been better placed to ride out falling oil prices. Macho posturing, it turns out, makes for bad economies.”  ~~ Paul Krugman

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Quote for the Day – Victor Hugo

“The ideal is nothing but the culminating point of logic, the same as the beautiful is nothing but the summit of the true. Artistic peoples are also consistent peoples. To love beauty is to see the light…   It is an admirable thing that the poetry of a people is the element of its progress. The amount of civilization is measured by the quantity of imagination.”~~ Victor Hugo


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