3000 Miles to Graceland

graceland2001 – Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner, Courtney Cox, Christian Slater, Kevin Pollack, David Arquette, Jon Lovitz, Howie Long, Thomas Haden Church, David Kaye

Link to 3000 Miles to Graceland on IMDB.com

Normally I do not watch anything this violent.  Normally I avoid any movie with Kevin Costner in it.  The first because I just do not care to see violence.  I once got talked into going to the drive-in to see  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  I spent the whole evening with the sun visor down on the passenger side of the car, trying the best I could to not listen.  Continue reading “3000 Miles to Graceland”

Paradise Now

paradise-nowI had read or heard about this Arabic language movie, and I was very interested so I bought a copy.  Just as an aside, I told a coworker and friend that I had purchased the film.  He is Egyptian and the movie had a special interest for him.  We made a night of it, his wife and mother prepared a traditional Egyptian dinner and we watched the movie with his wife and his parents.  He sent the kids to their rooms, although now I do not believe that to have been necessary.

It is a story about two friends in Palestine that decide to become suicide bombers.  Continue reading “Paradise Now”

Slumdog Millionaire

slumdogAs a movie critic I might not be your first choice. I venture to the cinema on average about once every two years at this point in my life. And I do not rent a lot of films, maybe a couple a year. I do watch the occasional movie on TV.

I just came back from seeing Slumdog Millionaire, and if you are any sort of movie fan I would put this movie in the “must see” category.   It was rightly nomimated for Best Picture for the 2009 Academy Awards.

First, it is an excellent story. It intertwines episodes of the India version of Who wants to be a Millionaire with the story of 3 Mumbai (Bombay was the colonial name of this city) street orphans. Both story lines kept me on the edge of my seat. Continue reading “Slumdog Millionaire”