The Five Agreements

fifth-agreementFrom the jacket cover of the book The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery by Ruiz & Ruiz available @


Speak with integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.


Nothing others do is because of you.  Continue reading “The Five Agreements”

Another Reason I Vote Democratic

untitledIt is not that I am such a staunch Democrat.  I have a lot to not like about that party.   And like most politicians when they get elected their brains turn into mush. 

I used to be a government regulator.  My old boss told me one day that when you have them by the balls their heart and minds will follow.  Unfortunately, corporations and specials interests have our politicians by their financial testicles.  I think it is bad with both parties, but I think it is horrendous with the Republicans. 

The other issue with the Republicans Continue reading “Another Reason I Vote Democratic”

The Unintended Lesson

dsc_0001aMy Uncle Dutch is not a tall man, and he has what we affectionately call a Buddha belly.  I know that he was skinny once upon a time.  I have seen pictures of him when he was young and in the Navy, but that is not the Harry Dodd I know.  He is elderly now, with white hair, and it is hard for me to not think of him in a suit and tie. The first thing that you will probably notice about my Uncle is his smile.   While he doesn’t smile all the time, it is certainly there more than it isn’t. And it is the type of smile that just lights up his whole face.

 He is married to my mother’s sister.  Now that I am older, I recognize her as kind, gentle, woman. Continue reading “The Unintended Lesson”

Your spouse is being chased by a sweet young thing…

young-man-woman_x16447805A friend sent me the following via email.  An interesting question that was on a reality show recently.   Currently, the only thing my TV is hooked up to is a DVD player, and I like it that way.   Anyway so I did not see this show. 

She said her and her significant other would have handled it much differently.

The question is below:

Ok, you’re at a party with your significant other.  Folks at the party know that you’re in a monogamous long term relationship.  There are drinks at the party and some folks that you don’t generally hang out with.  A younger attractive girl sits on the arm of your chair on the patio.  There are several people on the patio.  Later, the same girl is talking to you while you are both standing, but is getting a bit closer than casual conversation would dictate.   Your choices are:  

  1.  The significant other comes over and informs the sweet young thing that you are taken.
  2. Significant other sees what is going on and decides to let it pass a chalk it up to too much to drink.  She does this knowing that the relationship is secure.
  3. You kindly excuse yourself as soon as it is polite and stay closer to your date.
  4. The significant other goes to the hostess and asks if she could redirect her friend.  

How would you have handle the situtation?

I pray…

I pray that we come to value each and every human for who they are, not what they are, or what they can produce.

I pray for the day when a person’s race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation does not limit their place/roles in life.

I pray that we come to learn that so many should not be hungry, thirsty or homeless when a few have more than they could use in a multitude of lifetimes. Continue reading “I pray…”

How different are dog fighting and football

A recent article in The New Yorker, Offensive Play How different are dog fighting and football? By Malcolm Gladwell, explores the effect of extreme contact sports like football and boxing on the human brain.

For an American male, I’m a bit of an anomaly.  I do not really follow sports, except professional golf mildly.  There are several reasons for this.
One would be that for me personally sports are more for the doing rather than the watching.  I engage in several at a fairly incompetent level, but I enjoy them nevertheless.
Secondly, a while back, I just got bored with them.  Continue reading “How different are dog fighting and football”