High Cost of Cheap Eggs

Lessons From the Egg Recall: Cheap Food Makes You Sick – Huffington Post Article

I moved to cage free and preferably free range eggs a while back.  I’ve given up mayonnaise because the eggs in it come from such places.  While the eggs are pasteurized it would be an economic vote for such places as the Iowa factory farms producing the tainted eggs to buy such a product.

And eggs are not the only cheap food that has a high cost.  Just about all the meat (chicken, turkey, beef, and pork) in the supermarkets of this country comes from industrialized farms.  It has been well documented why these are not good places, and definitely not good places to get the food that nourishes your body.  As much as I love a good steak, I cannot in good conscience eat one anymore.

This is a capitalistic society.  Dollars are economic votes.  Is seemingly cheap more important than the environment, the workers in such places,   the animals welfare, or if self interest motivates, your health?  Is it really ethical to sustain such places with your continued participation by buying their product?  Unfortunately, for so many of these corporate operations, the bottom line is what matters.  It should be different, but they only change when they see their bottom lines headed the wrong way.

How are you voting?

Rev. Joe stumbles

I am not religious.  I do not even consider myself spiritual.  I made the last comment a while back and I had a couple folks arguing with me as they thought I was very spiritual.  One problem with the word spiritual is that it has an old school dictionary definition, and common usage that is of a more new age derivative.  The dictionary definition, to me, is not that much different than the dictionary definition for religious . Spiritual in this context seems to imply a less structured version of religious.  I have trouble getting my head around the new age definition.  It is very much like E=mc2.  I understand the parts, but the whole is another matter.

My goal is to live an ethical and a genuine life.  However, most of the time I fail miserably at these tasks.  Continue reading “Rev. Joe stumbles”

Trailer Trash on Display

Okay, okay…I’m all for freedom of speech.  God knows that I would not want somebody limiting my wonderful ramblings.  At some point, some self censorship should take over.   Occasionally, the question should be asked, “Is this classy?  Is this really how I want to represent myself to the population at large?”

We’ve all seen the urinating boys doing their thing on “FORD” or “CHEVY”.  I saw one the recently that I thought represented the ultimate in poor taste.  Continue reading “Trailer Trash on Display”

How Do You Say Goodbye?

Here is an open question for everyone, how do you say goodbye. 

A friend’s mother is in hospice, partly the result of age, and partly the result of several diseases she failed to manage properly catching up with her.

My friend flew her twenty-something daughter in for the week so that she could see her grandmother before she passed.  At the first  of the week my friend’s mother was still occasionally coherent and aware.  By the end of the week she was out of it, and sleeping most of the time. 

The three of us went to visit her on the Saturday before the daughter had to fly back out on Sunday.  It was more than a little sad as the grandmother was only there physically.   The granddaughter knew that this would in all likelihood be the last time she saw her grandmother alive. 

We stayed about two hours.  The granddaughter tried to feed the grandmother who was not interested.   Some attempts were made at communication, but those essentially failed.  Both mother and daughter were crying off and on.  Towards the end the granddaughter just hugged her grandmother and stroked her. 

I went out a little before the other two to give them some time alone.  The granddaughter came out first and asked me, “How do you say goodbye to some one?”  I took a minute to answer as I was a little choked up myself.  All I could muster was a lame comment about “giving them positive energy and remembering the good times.”  I do not imagine it satisfied the daughter.  It did not satisfy me. 

I’ve been thinking about it, and I still not sure I have a good answer.  How do you say goodbye to someone?

Sunday Morning Snobbery

I first noticed the father, a vaguely unkempt looking man picking out a bowling ball.  It was hard to tell his age, but I am guessing around mine, pushing 60.  His hair was all white, and he was bald on top.  A comb or brush would not have hurt his look.  He was dressed in a pair of black Rustler jeans and a black t-shirt that was a tad too short for him. 

imagesI then noticed his wife. She appeared to be at least 20 years his junior. She was obese enough that her belly had more than formed an apron.   Initially I thought she was Hispanic.  I shortly heard her say something, and it was classic Tennessee country.  Neither she nor her husband were ugly, but then again they were not particularly handsome.

Then the passel of kids came into focus.  There were a total of four.  The oldest, a boy, who never took down his sweatshirt hood, looked to be 12 or 13.   Continue reading “Sunday Morning Snobbery”

The Five Agreements

fifth-agreementFrom the jacket cover of the book The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery by Ruiz & Ruiz available @ Amazon.com


Speak with integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.


Nothing others do is because of you.  Continue reading “The Five Agreements”

Another Reason I Vote Democratic

untitledIt is not that I am such a staunch Democrat.  I have a lot to not like about that party.   And like most politicians when they get elected their brains turn into mush. 

I used to be a government regulator.  My old boss told me one day that when you have them by the balls their heart and minds will follow.  Unfortunately, corporations and specials interests have our politicians by their financial testicles.  I think it is bad with both parties, but I think it is horrendous with the Republicans. 

The other issue with the Republicans Continue reading “Another Reason I Vote Democratic”

The Unintended Lesson

dsc_0001aMy Uncle Dutch is not a tall man, and he has what we affectionately call a Buddha belly.  I know that he was skinny once upon a time.  I have seen pictures of him when he was young and in the Navy, but that is not the Harry Dodd I know.  He is elderly now, with white hair, and it is hard for me to not think of him in a suit and tie. The first thing that you will probably notice about my Uncle is his smile.   While he doesn’t smile all the time, it is certainly there more than it isn’t. And it is the type of smile that just lights up his whole face.

 He is married to my mother’s sister.  Now that I am older, I recognize her as kind, gentle, woman. Continue reading “The Unintended Lesson”