The Tiny Island Nation of Mauritius

Mauritius is an island nation off the west coast of Africa. Up until 1968, it was a colony of Great Britain.  Chaos and poverty were predicted for post independence, but that did not happen. Quite the opposite. It is a wonderful case study in what can happen if you forgo maintaining the gap between rich and poor, and stop wasting money on military.

Every time I think of the senseless, unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I think of how that money could have been put to good social use in this country or other countries. I have no idea what we bought for our blood and treasure.

Below is the link to an article at about this little country. Is is short, quick read and gives a little fodder for thought.

The Greatest Country on Earth

Mauritius Welcomes You – The Official Site for Mauritius

Wikipedia article on Mauritius

NRA – Arms Manufacturer Lobbying Arm

I looked and looked online trying to find the funding sources for the National Rifle Association (NRA).  I did not have a lot of luck.

Here is an article from Mother Jones that sheds some light on that murky subject.

Who Does the NRA Advocate For?

To answer their question…it is not the average gun owner, but the corporations that funnel money to them.

It is past time for sensible gun regulation in this country.

No More Teddy Bears

No more candle light vigils.  No more piles of teddy bears.  No more stacks of flowers.  No more fences covered with ribbons.  No more platitudes or speeches of remembrance.  We react compassionately to tragic events after the fact.  They fade from memory and we fail to act to prevent the next one.

There were probably a multitude of factors that collided in the Tucson shooting that left 6 dead and many more wounded.

First, it is much, much too easy to get guns in this country.  I read recently that there are 85 guns for every 100 people in the US.  If they were evenly distributed that would be almost be a gun for every man, woman and child in the US.

Secondly, access to health care in this country is atrocious Continue reading “No More Teddy Bears”

Wealth Inequality = Social Problems

Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times Equality, a True Soul Food

He is summarizing a British report on the societal effects of wealth inequality. Currently in America “the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans possess a greater collective net worth than the bottom 90 percent.”  I do not understand why everyone, except the 1%, is not shocked and up in arms over this fact.  But that is me.

The basic premise of the study, backed up by tons of data is this.  With great wealth inequality you create a wide variety of personal and social stressors.  There are increases in crime, Continue reading “Wealth Inequality = Social Problems”

Ace Hardware — Hip Hip Hooray

After about 3 weeks of casually looking when I was in a store anyway, I found a pair of gloves for yard work. “Big deal”, you say. Yes, because my primary criteron was to find a pair not made in China. I had checked all the usual suspects, China*Mart, the China*Mart want-to-be Lowe’s, etc. Every pair of gloves I picked had been manufactured in China.

I was close to an Ace Hardware store Sunday, so I decided to buzz in and see what they had in the work glove department. I picked up several pair, and they were identified as having been made in Pakistan. While this is not American made, I had decided that I would not be able to find a pair of American made work gloves and would settle for a pair made anywhere but China.

I am 100% sure that Pakistan needs the work much more than China. Having worked for a large retailer I know that they make a show of making sure their products are manufactured in factories with some modicum of humane treatment. I can only hope Ace Hardware does this too.

I bought them. Thanks Ace Hardware.

See I Want to Buy American

Divorcing Susan G. Komen

Susan G. Komen Foundation Elbows Out Charities Over Use Of The Word ‘Cure’

I’ve been donating to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for years. It is not large amounts of money, $100 to $200 a year.  I rotate my charitable giving across several charities.

I first started giving to the Komen Foundation in honor of an ex-girlfriend that died of breast cancer.   Continue reading “Divorcing Susan G. Komen”

I Want to Buy American

I was in Lowe’s the other day.   The fact that it was Lowe’s is only incidental.  It could have been any of the many big box store chains that dot Generica.

They provided to me a pretty clear snapshot of the some issues that are troubling me about American business.  It all seems to boil down to corporations being willing to sell out this country because they are more concerned about the quarterly profit statement and executive pay than anything else.

My first observation is that Spanish is nearly as prominent in the store as English.  The lettering was not quite as big as the English, but it was only a small percentage less so. Continue reading “I Want to Buy American”

Senator Bernie Sanders Explains How the Cow Ate the Cabbage

Weep for Our Country…

Do not try to just watch this as it is not that stimulating visually…BUT if you will just listen like you would a radio broadcast and really listen hard to what Senator Bernie Sanders is saying you might just have your eyes opened a bit.

I’ve been ranting about this stuff for years with most folks looking at me like I was crazy.  The concerns are finally going mainstream.  I can only hope if enough folks get outraged about these issues change might happen.

But then I look at the view count on this YouTube video at 100,000 or so versus the most viewed video on YouTube Justin Bieber – Baby ft. Ludacris; 402,051,105 views, and you know where peoples priorites are.  Sad, sad, sad… It strikes me that we have become a nation that has buried its collective head in the sand.

Worthy Small Charities

Yes I did a cut and paste operation bringing in these links from an article in the New York Times by Nicholas Kristof:  The Gifts of Hope. Mr. Kristof is an advocate journalist. His whole professional career is devoted to reporting on issues like these, especially issues involving females.  If there is a man that can smoke out small worthy charities, I am betting on him.

Here is another of his editorials.  It details some charities that has gone astray:  When Donations Go Astray

If you are looking for alternative giving this year, consider these.

Panzi Hospital ( treats victims of sexual violence in eastern Congo, rape capital of the world.

Camfed (, short for the Campaign for Female Education, sends girls to school in Africa and provides a broad support system for them. Continue reading “Worthy Small Charities”