
It must be the onset of senility.  I could not remember which way I put the toilet paper on the roller. Do I put in on so it comes over the top, or do I pull from the bottom? In my frustration I just tossed the roll onto the floor. Now the Charmin’ sits on the tiles and mocks me with squeezable soft whispers of, “Geezer…Geezer 

Something to chew on…

 Scary truth about drugs and religion in the home

 Quoted from “Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches” by Carolyn Holderread Heggen:

A disturbing fact continues to surface in sex abuse research. The first best predictor of abuse is alcohol or drug addiction in the father. But the second best predictor is conservative religiosity, accompanied by parental belief in traditional male-female roles. This means that if you want to know which children are most likely to be sexually abused by their father, the second most significant clue is whether or not the parents belong to a conservative religious group with traditional role beliefs and rigid sexual attitudes. (Brown and Bohn, 1989; Finkelhor, 1986; Fortune, 1983; Goldstein et al, 1973; Van Leeuwen, 1990)

Is Rosie the Riveter gay or straight?

Rosie the Rivetor
Rosie the Rivetor

My girlfriend put on her Rosie the Riveter t-shirt before she went walking.  This generated a discussion.  Is Rosie the Riveter gay or straight? 

My contention is that she is a very self-confident woman.  She feels powerful and empowered.  She may be doing what is traditionally a man’s job, but she stills feel confidentially all woman on the inside and men are her thing.  She is not afraid to go after what she needs or wants, and this spills over into her sexuality. 

My girlfriend thought she was definitely gay, and butch gay to boot.

 What do you think?

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Is it just me…

  • Or are winter tomatoes a crime against nature
  • Or are ankle-high socks and long pants a horrible fashion statement
  • Or is it obscene to build mega stadiums for millionaires to play children’s games while our children’s schools crumble
  • Or is crazy to go to a cocktail party with all the finger foods and spend all evening shaking hands
  • Or should you stay awake behind the wheel if you are the first in the left turn lane on a short light 
  • Or should you be wearing a crop top when your fat is rolling over your waistband
  • Who cannot understand how they can ship nice juicy tomatoes all the way from Holland, but what we get from the USA are these cardboard monstersities.

Adding a second language

I’m in the process of trying to learn/relearn Italian.  Many moons ago I lived in Italy for 3 years during my Jr. High years.  I was never fluent, but I spoke enough to not be cheated in the markets and play with the Italian kids.

I would like to revisit the country for an extended period, and go to places off of tourist road.  So that is my motivation for studying the language.

I asked an Indian friend of my mine who is bilingual about language.   He has been in the USA for 7 years, and of course, English is widely spoken in India.  I was wondering about whether he thought in English, dreamed in English, did he need to translate English to his native tongue, etc.  Below is his well thought out answer: Continue reading “Adding a second language”

3 Buck Chuck

My lady friend has a childhood friend that is an opera singer and lives mostly in Milan, Italy and spends some time in New York City. 

Recently for health reasons she was in St. Louis for an extended stay.  Her Maestro was flying from California to New York, and decided to stop in St. Louis to visit one of his sopranos and a friend.  My girlfriend opened her house to them and had a small dinner party with the Maestro cooking.

I had asked about one of the wines that was brought that I especially liked.  It turned out it was an inexpensive wine from one of the local Italian grocery stores.  The Maestro then told how he bought 3 Buck Chuck aka Charles Shaw wines from Trader Joes 3 cases at a time.  Continue reading “3 Buck Chuck”

Papa Deo / Papa Day-o?

Back in the day when I was married, my wife “bedopted” a little girl, Lindsey, almost from birth.  We really did not have custody of her, but her mother had issues she was working through.  The child was in our home nearly as much as she was in her mother’s for several years.

We also had a cassette tape (remember those) of children’s songs by Raffi.  Lindsey loved Raffi and we would play it for her whenever we were in the car.  Me being who I am loved to sing along on the Banana Boat song, probably because I could bellow “day-o” at the top of my voice.  Lindsey began to call be Papa Deo.  Continue reading “Papa Deo / Papa Day-o?”