Crowds, Well Maybe…

Fire hydrant on The Hill

Saturday night, Señora and  I went to a party at a friend’s house who lives in The Hill district of St. Louis. This friend shares the same first name with Señora which occasionally gets confusing.  We socialize with another couple and the man shares a first name with me.  People tend to say Cathy’s David or Robin’s David.  Just to set the picture a little clearer, all of the folks at this party were retired, and if not they were getting close.  If you had been in your late 50s you would have been a youngster there.

If you are not familiar with St. Louis you might not know about The Hill.  In less politically correct times Continue reading “Crowds, Well Maybe…”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,989

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was reading a post on Nextdoor that was a bit of a rant, and from the poster’s comments it sounded like they lived in an apartment complex a mile or so from our house.  It is a nice complex. I checked it out first time I lived here, but decided that was more money than I wanted to give someone in a rent check every month.  It does seem to stay full though.

Apparently, the poster has a new neighbor, a new neighbor with a Great Dane. Apparently when this new neighbor walks this Great Dane, they do not pick up after their giant of a dog, effectively leaving massive poop bombs all over the place.

And living in an apartment with a Great Dane…

You just think you have problems.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,535

yeah I know you did not ask!

Me speaking commandingly to myself, “Job is not done until the tools are put away, David Stephen.”

Me replying to myself somewhat sarcastically, “Sir, Yes Sir, Daddy, Sir.”

Admittedly being orderly and maintaining your tools and equipment are not bad habits to have. However, my father routinely employed a Victorian modality of instruction with his five progeny. It is not a method formulated to foster fond memories.  As he had a successful career, I can only assume that he utilized a different instructional paradigm when imparting information in his capacity as a technical representative for an aerospace company.

My name/names within the family and extended family are a whole other blog posting… but don’t hold your breath.

And so it goes.


Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,471

yeah I know you did not ask!

I don’t want to say that I am old, but I remember a time when all supermarkets had bag boys who carried your groceries out for you.  And boys is correct.  It was never a female, and they were generally young.  If you had only 1 or 2 bags of groceries they would carry them out and put them in your car.  If you had a buggy load they wheeled that out for you, and again loaded them into your car.  People may have tipped them, but I don’t remember my mother ever doing so.

For various reasons, today for the first time, I used curbside pick-up.  It was from the pharmacy at the Sam’s Club in Chesterfield valley.  Hmm, I thought as the member of the Curbside Team handed me a bag full of drugs, COVID has brought back bag boys.  Of course this time it is not restricted to males or the young.

Me Be Bragging

Click to see full size

Well… no monster, but as big as a big mouth bass as I have caught in a while.  And before one of my siblings starts in on photographic perspective,  I challenge them to find a fishing photo that does not use this classic composition.

This particular fish was fun to catch as I was in my fishing kayak and was using an ultralight rig with 6 pound test.  She (full of eggs she was) took off running 3 different times making my drag hum each time.  All the while I had to position the kayak on a windy day to get it in a better position to land her after her last run.   Definitely, a very enjoyable battle.

Normally I am a catch and release fisherman, mainly because I do not like to clean fish even though I like to eat them.  However, part of the agreement on fishing this particular honey hole on private property is that I keep all I catch.  They are trying to decrease the fish population on the hope that will lead to more trophy size bass.   I am glad to do my part, and Señora and I both like  to eat fish.

Let an old man brag a little.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #380

yeah I know you did not ask!

There is an old Jeff Foxworthy joke about a fellow with big ears, a big nose, big hands and big feet.  Jeff after describing him vividly goes on to say he better be packing as he sure is ugly.

Of course, there are all sort of anatomical formulas with various body parts used in an attempt to guesstimate the size of a man’s “package”, big ears, big noses, big hands and big feet being the most popular.

For most of my adult life I have worn either a size 10 or a size 10 1/2, depending on the brand or style.  In my decrepitude the size has crept up to an 11.  Sunday I bought a new pair of Sperry boat shoes and they were a size 11 1/2.  It is common for the shoe size to get bigger with age as the feet tend flatten.  However… I have not seen the corresponding increase to validate the formulas which does not hardly seem fair to me.  And am I now guilty of false advertising?

¡Guau! ¡Honduras!

At the end of this article you can find pictures from our trip to Honduras.

Guau is the Spanish spelling of the English word, wow. Señora and I just spent six incredible days in Honduras and the best word to describe our experiences is guau.  Both of us were saying guau all the time as we were in the mountains most of our trip and the scenery was absolutely stupendous. And the people were generally kind, friendly and very welcoming, perhaps so, as we were, for the most part, away from the more common tourist areas.  My Salvadoran tutor tells me that he likes the Honduran culture more than his own due to the friendliness and openness of the Hondurans, known colloquially as Catracho or Catracha.

The primary purpose of the trip was to visit one of my online Spanish tutors, Saúl Rios and his wife Sarai Paz, this young couple, both just around 30, make their living as Spanish tutors online.  Saúl is on a platform called iTalki and Sarai is on Prepay. It is always hard to judge these things, but they seem to be making a living better than average for their country.  Saúl is Mexican.  As I remember the story he was on vacation in Honduras, met this Catracha young lady, fell in love, married her and has been there ever since. Ironically, as will become clear in a minute, Continue reading “¡Guau! ¡Honduras!”

Words of Wisdom

These words of wisdom were encountered on the wall of a restaurant situated on a hillside outside of the beautiful city of Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras.

To save you from having to run to Señor Google’s translation app, it reads: “Success is like a fart, people are mad when it is not their own.”

And so it goes