Kissed by Stephen Hawking

I am probably the only person on the planet who has been kissed by Stephen Hawking… in a dream.  Let me allow that to sink in for a minute, after all I am still trying to get over it myself.

In my dream I was at a house that was my parents, but not like any house they have ever lived in.  Stephen was tooling around his wheel chair.  Continue reading “Kissed by Stephen Hawking”

Some Squirrelly Insights

It was sunny, but cold winter morning in St. Louis.  Robin and I were Supposedly, this photo is undoctored!!!preparing for our Sunday morning ritual of 99 cents bowling.   We were eating that great American breakfast of cereal and milk before we ventured out in -10 degrees (Celsius – that is) weather.  She had offered to fix some hot oatmeal or cream of wheat, but I had declined as we were running a little late.

Robin noticed them first as she was sitting closest to the window.  The backyard was just full of squirrels acting…well squirrelly.  There must have between 7 and 10 squirrels running across the yard, through the tree limbs, chasing each other.  Continue reading “Some Squirrelly Insights”

Troubadours Transcending

I have this new theory about musicians like Ellis Paul, Kevin Welch, Jimmie LaFave, Pete Morton, etc.  There are tons more.  I just mention these folks because they are on my mind from seeing them concert recently or listening to their CDs.

These folks never make it super big like say a Garth Brooks or a Reba McIntyre.  I would think having that much success and fame would be as much a burden as blessing.  I’m sure the money and adulation are wonderful.  But then you have everyone wanting a piece of you, wanting something from you.  I personally would find it a huge pain to walk down the street and have folks continually coming up to me, snapping pictures etc.  But then I value my privacy.

Musicians in the first category have a relative degree of success.  They can make a living doing what they love to do.  From having talked to a few of them, I know it is love for most of them.  They get to enjoy the company of liked minded individuals.  They get to travel as much or as little as they want in the support of their craft. At least the ones I have seen have mostly been in small often intimate venues with interaction between the musicians and the audience.  Most of the musicians really seem to enjoy this.   Of course, this is from the outside looking in, but they seem to be milking the most out of essential nature of life. Many that write their own lyrics seem have an amazing insight into the human condition, the human emotional state, a certain degree of wisdom beyond the norm.

My theory is this:  They are old souls.  This is probably their last go round in the physical plane.  They are on a farewell tours of sorts.  I really cannot think of many better ways to do such a tour.

Heck of a theory for an old agnostic.

Vladimir Putin singing Blueberry Hill…

This is just too weird to not share.  First it has a totally surreal quality like that  feeling you get just before you ram your car into a telephone pole.  To add to the absurdity of  it there is a bunch of Hollywood stars playing along like they are really digging it.  It must have been some really good vodka that night, or maybe that is why they are called actors.

What clenches it for me though is looking at this guy singing this song, knowing that he is not what I am going to euphemistically call a “good person”.  I sat there watching him wondering how many folks he has personally whacked or had whacked.  Anybody rising to the top of the power heap in Russia did not do so with a nice smile and a firm handshake.  I’ll stop.  We all know what this man is about.


The World/Life/Etc. Explained

We live in a ass-backwards world.

We are the mirror image of a good universe.

  • Evil seems to be rewarded beyond measure and no good deed goes unpunished
  • A few very rich or powerful folks get to make the rules and dictate how most folks live
  • Education is not about learning, but learning how to make money
  • We worry about the afterlife, more than we worry about the here and now
  • Brittany Spears is famous and Ellis Paul languishes in relative obscurity
  • War and violence are touted as manly pursuits and arts and humanities are for wimps
  • Poverty is considered a moral failure of the individual and not a moral failure of the system
  • A person’s skin color determines his opportunities not what is inside the person
  • Business has a separate set of morals that if  an individual acted on that set they would imprisoned

I’m going to go on, but later when I have more inspiration.  In the mean time I am waiting for Capt. Picard to send the Enterprise around the sun 10 times at Warp 9 and see if it will reverse the converse.

The More People Doubt

I yanked this from a column by David Brooks at the New York Times web site. It is too rich not to share.

“Classic research has suggested that the more people doubt their own beliefs the more, paradoxically, they are inclined to proselytize in favor of them. David Gal and Derek Rucker published a study in Psychological Science in which they presented some research subjects with evidence that undermined their core convictions. The subjects who were forced to confront the counterevidence went on to more forcefully advocate their original beliefs, thus confirming the earlier findings.”

I think you can add your own commentary.

Fanny Farmer’s Whole-Egg Mayonnaise (Blender Mayonnaise)

This easy blender mayonnaise recipealso can be made with electric beaters. Fanny Farmer Cookbook


  1. 1 egg
  2. ½ teaspoon dry mustard
  3. ½ teaspoon salt
  4. 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar
  5. 1½ cups olive or other oil *
  1. Put the egg, seasonings and ¼ cup oil in the blender and whirl until well mixed (20 to 30 seconds).
  2. Pour in the rest of the oil in a steady stream. Stop as soon as the emulsion is smoothly blended.

This recipe is from The Fannie Farmer Cookbook

* The olive oil makes for a very strong flavor… try regular oil for a milder more traditional tasting mayonnaise.  Rev. Joe Dirt

Now I can get free range organic eggs and have my mayonnaise… woo woo!   When Robin made some homemade mayo, I was blown away by how much better it was than the stuff in jars I have been getting for years.  Not sure if this is her recipe, but close.