Matter of Perspective, I Reckon
It was a pretty Sunday afternoon, and Robin talked me into taking her for a ride in my Miata. Truth is she really did not have to talk too hard.
Well we rode there, and we rode here. Did not really matter, we were just enjoying the spring weather and sunshine. I decided to pull into Creve Coeur Park by Sailboat Cove. I was hoping the snow cone stand would be open, but it wasn’t.
As we were driving into the parking lot Robin said, “Oh what a cute puppy.”
I’m going to give myself a little credit as I did not say, “Huh?”…out loud. It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about. The cute young thing I had been eyeballing had a puppy on a leash.
It is all a matter of perspective, I reckon.
The Not So Invisible Line
I crossed a line invisible to my ego, but apparently readily seen by others. It is somewhat of a reverse of the Emperor’s new clothes.
I live where I live in Memphis not because the apartment is particularly nice, or particularly inexpensive. I live where I live because it is a half mile from the office and I like the convenience of that. My grandparents fell upon hard times for a while, and they lived in what was called “the projects” back then. Basically it was a lot of low income folks crowded together in subsidized housing. This apartment complex reminds of that place and time.
I came home from work today and there were a bunch of kids playing outside. This is something nice to see these days when so many kids are inside in front of the TV or video games. Continue reading “The Not So Invisible Line”
The Power of Poop
I found this very fascinating. This doctor and others are doing poop transfusions, taking the fecal material from healthy people and placing it in the intestinal tracts of unhealthy people. One doctor is claiming an MS cure. There is a type of diarrhea that is this is the preferred treatment. One fellow sees it helping Parkinson patients. There are still a lot of skeptics, but this starting to be some really serious research into these “transpoosings”.
I subscribe to the Freakonomics podcast which is how I came across it. Just so you know.
You can read the article, or download the podcast, or listen to it on this page. Enjoy!
An article on: Mind-Gut Connection: Why Intestinal Bacteria May Have Important Effects on Your Brain
Innocent Man Freed
I regularly download several pod-casts from NPR. I listen to them as I jog or drive. The programs almost always seem to air at times I cannot listen, or cannot listen with attention. So I time shift. One of my favorites is This American Life with Ira Glass.
They recently reran a story that originally aired in February of 2005. The story was very disturbing and uplifting all at the same time. It is a crime story. It is legal drama. It is a story of redemption. It is a story about a man who was randomly picked out of a mug book by teenager. The young man claimed he saw a murder when in reality he did not. He was being bullied by the police detective during the interview and just wanted it over. So he pointed to a face in a book. That innocent face spent the next 21 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.
Either the police and legal system were lazy, incompetent, or overwhelmed, but the end result was prison. The newly convicted man fortunately had a childhood friend who spent the next 21 years working to get him out of prison. This is that story. I am not ashamed to admit that by the end I had tears in my eyes.
I go back and forth about the death penalty, but this story is a good argument against it. Below is a link to the page on This American Life website that has the story and you can download the podcast and listen to it.
Big Bad Wolf
From season 5, episode 23, the Fractured Fairy Tale: Three Little Pigs. The wolf, surrounded by Racing Forms, Babes magazine, Beauty’s Women magazine, Girl’s magazine, is reading “Gay Boy” magazine and later in the same episode, he is reading “Gay Boy Annual”.
I suppose then the question becomes when did the definition of gay change or is this a not so subtle piece slipped in past the censors
The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show aired 1961 thru 1964 when Rob and Laura Petri were sleeping in twin beds.
Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
Unfortunately, I can relate…
The Mind, A Terrible Thing to Waste
My sadistic girlfriend gave to me for Christmas, The Mensa Puzzle Calendar. It has one brain teasing puzzle for every day of the year. That is three hundred and sixty five chances to feel stupid.
A recent puzzle, titled Language Barrier, asked this:
Remove one letter from each word below the rearrange the remaining letters to form the name of a language.
1. pliant
2. wheels
3. hiding
4. whereby
5. helpings
6. sideshow
The calendar is at work and sometimes I have an opportunity to work the puzzles and sometimes I just casually look at them. That day, a Friday was the latter. Continue reading “The Mind, A Terrible Thing to Waste”
Dick Cheney’s Heart
Cheney says he may have to have heart transplant — Link removed
To belabor the obvious: We can only regret he did not do that a few years earlier!
My girlfriend, “I just love this pesto shit.”
So I asked, “What sort of animal shits pesto?”
She replied, “I don’t care, I just love this shit.”
When she read the post she thought she should have said, “I don’t know, but I want one for a pet. I just love this shit.”