$40 A$$

I use Yahoo as my web portal, partly out of habit, but mainly because I like their financial section.  I follow the market and my investments there.  The news section on the other hand leaves a lot to be desired.  Oh it touches all the key stories of the day, but then I have to wade through the celebrity gossip, the reality show buzz, and other such nonsense.  What really tears me up is that sometimes I find myself reading that garbage.

The other day for some reason still unclear to me,  an article on 10 styles of jeans trending currently caught my attention.  What really made my eyes pop were the prices.  The cheapest pair was maybe $60, most were over $100, and a couple pair were north of two bills.  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I still think a good pair of Levi’s should cost $20.  Of course, they don’t, but if I have to pay much over $30 or $35 for a pair of jeans I am not a happy camper.

The overpriced jeans reminded me of an incidence with my now grown daughter when she was in 5th or 6th grade.  This would have been around 1979 or 1980. That year we made the leap and bumped her up to Levi’s from Wranglers.  She was after all a little older now, and young women are very into fashion.  Given our budget at the time we thought this a generous move on our part. Continue reading “$40 A$$”


I have a confession — I love women.   I love them tall.  I love them short.  I love them skinny, and I love them plump. Red heads, brunettes, blondes, short hair, long hair, curly or straight, I love them all.  They can have milky white skin or deep rich mocha, I just love them. Curves, no curves, it matters not.  A young woman, or not so young, they all fascinate me.  I do confess I just love women.

Perhaps the previous ramble is objectifying women.  Truth is I also love the company of women.  I am always amazed that such beautiful, wondrous creatures would have anything to do with the uncouth, self-centered animals that are males.  It does make the world go round, nevertheless. One thing I have figured from years of watching men watch women and listening to men talk about women, we men are pigs. Women watch men also, but they generally have the good graces to be discreet about it.

That is my preamble for what happened the other day as I was shopping in JCPenney.   I was about to enter a main aisle in the men’s department.  Two women stroll by.  They are obviously mother and daughter.  Continue reading “Busted…”


Not mine, but too good to not share….even for an agnostic like the old Rev.

This is much easier to remember !!!

  1.  Just one God.
  2.  Put nuttin’before God.
  3.  Watch yer mouth.
  4.  Git yourself to Sunday meetin’.
  5.  Honor yer Ma & Pa.
  6.   No killin’.
  7.    No foolin’ around with another feller’s gal (or another gal’s feller).
  8.   Don’t take what ain’t yorn.
  9.   No tellin’ tales or gossipin’.
  10.   Don’t be hankerin’ for yer buddy’s stuff.

Now that’s plain an’ simple. And bless your heart!!!