Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,369

…yeah I know you did not ask!

She was holding up the 15 or less line with nearly a full cart of groceries. (Why do the stores never say anything to these people?)  Then when the clerk announced her total she acted like it was a complete surprise.  It was only then that she started digging through her massive handbag looking for the exact correct change. Aggghhhhhhh!

Easter Sunday & Friday the 13th

I was looking at things… So did you engage in an activity on July 13th, 1951 of a procreative nature?  A question posed to my 80 year old mother.  I wonder if she remembers or even will answer.

April 13th, 1952 I was born, an Easter Sunday.

I turned 21 on a Friday the 13th
I will turn 60 on a Friday the  13th.
I will reach my full retirement age of 66…on Friday the 13th, 2018

I’ve always considered turning 21 on Friday the 13th (and standing in front of a judge) a foreshadowing of the rest of the decaying rollercoaster ride that has been my life.  Does turning 60 on Friday the 13th foreshadow my senior years?  Does turning 66 on Friday the 13th foreshadow my retirement years.

Being conceived on Friday the 13th would explain the whole miserable lot. Taking my Okie calculator out of their gloves, it seems that it would have been a good statistical probability that I was launched into being on that infamous day.

Looking ahead – Easter Sunday is occurring on April the 13th occur in 2031 & 2036.  While both seem a little early to be checking out, they do have a certain synchronicity to them.  Of course, Easter occurs on April 1 in 2018, 2029 & 2040.  I like the irony of that.  Friday, April 13ths occur in 2029, 2035, 2040 and 2046.  On those days the irony and synchronicity are overwhelming.

You do not have a choice in when you were born.  You probably will not have a choice when you exit, but maybe…

This Is Mind Blowing…

This is one of the most mind blowing things I have heard in a while…

This is from a wonderful radio program / podcast Radio Lab.  Check them out at

“Can you make your own universe? We usually think of the universe as ‘everything that exists,’ so how could you make another one?”

There is no turning away from the memory

I don’t remember her name.  I don’t even remember her face.  I was 12 or 13 and there were a group of us in the back of an old pick-em-up truck headed for the swimming hole.  I remember she was very brown from the Oklahoma sun , dressed in a bikini and I thought her to be an amazing beauty.

I must have gotten a whiff of her pheromones. That along with the sight of her bikini clad body awoke something in me I had never felt before.  It was the first time I felt desire, a need to touch the flesh of another human.  I did not really know what it was.  In all actuality, it scared me straight into puberty.  This emotion, this urge that felt like it wanted to consume me.  In confusion and fright I turned away to watch the country side passing by.  There is no turning away from the memory.  It has stayed with me all these years.

And the “N” Word is…

I wrote a blog entry a while back about racist attitudes, Bigotry – Confront or Ignore? Apparently my son and his wife were discussing the article.  I am sure it had a little more meaning for her as her step-father is black.  They were discussing the “N” word using that term.  My grandson overheard them and wanted to know what the “N” word was…NASCAR?

Yes, Jordan NASCAR, and don’t you forget it.

Bigger and bigger and bigger…

Shoes that fit me fine just a few short months ago are no longer comfortable.  My big toe is bumping up against the front of them.  Last pair of running shoes I bought I had to step up a ½ size.  I am beginning to wonder if I should have stepped up a whole size.

Curiosity kicked in and I begin to wonder if people’s feet grow or flatten as they age.  I vaguely wondered if because I have been a little too heavy for a period of time it might have flattened my feet.

Turns out as we age the ligaments and tendons of the feet become less resilient and the foot flattens.  It is a common problem to need larger shoes.

There are other foot problems that develop as we age.  Read all about it right here. What’s in store for those aging feet?

Oh well… something else to look forward to.