Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 4,320

yeah I know you did not ask!

Not all things should use the capitalist/profit paradigm. One big one is pharmaceuticals. We are all already being taxed by excessive drug prices. Have the government support pharmaceutical research at the CDC and at various universities across the countries. They could aim their research dollars towards conditions most needed, rather than those that would bring in the most profit. Drugs could then be sold and manufactured for a reasonable profit, and not at prices inflated to “support R&D”.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 1,394

yeah I know you did not ask!

What about next time Congress has some “must pass” legislation, instead of slipping a rider that benefits only the fats cats and decreases our democracy, we tact on riders to benefit all of us.  Perhaps something to reform the student loan program, and make college affordable; perhaps something that will help bring good jobs back to America;  perhaps legislation to bring our infrastructure into the 21st century; perhaps a realistic minimum wage; perhaps a tax code change to decrease the wealth gap; I could go on an on, but you get the idea.

Robin’s Snoopy Dance

snoopy_dancingThere is one very special thing about Robin — you almost never have to guess what she is feeling. Unless it is an environment like work where it is better to keep your mask on, to see her is to know where she is at emotionally.

She is also a little hyperactive. I bring this up because she has an adorable behavior that I have seen directed at me twice and at other folks a couple times. When she sees someone she really likes and cares about, and she has not seen them in a while her whole body smiles. Yes her face is all lit up, but her body goes into this little dance that I can only relate to what I have seen Snoopy do in the cartoons. She is happy all over, her whole body is smiling.

First time I came back to St. Louis after moving to Memphis for work she went into one that lasted about a minute. We went to New Orleans a while back and saw an old, dear friend of hers who she had not seen in years. That was another Snoopy dance of a minute or so.

I came home the other night after being gone just one night for a quick trip to Muskogee, by gawd, Oklahoma. She went into short Snoopy dance then. I cannot imagine a better homecoming.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 8,309

yeah I know you did not ask!

Google knows me much too well. Of course, these voice recognition programs have a hard time with my Okie accent also. I’m driving to Tulsa the other day, and I want to find a western store. So I used the voice dictation function to enter into a Google search the following phrase: “western store Tulsa Oklahoma”. It changed that into “porn store Tulsa Oklahoma”. It must have been the personalization feature of Google.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 6,527

…yeah I know you did not ask!

New definition for oxymoron: Using an Escalade pickup for a work truck. I saw one this morning with what little truck bed there is on an Escalade pickup loaded with construction paraphernalia. It as also towing a trailer. I cannot tell you one year from another on this vehicle, but I am assuming it was reasonably old as it was rusting out around the wheel wells.