Not your average NPR feed…‘Am I Normal?’ Check Biggest Study Yet Of Penis Size, Among 15,000 Men

I found this story on my NPR feed on Facebook.  It is definitely not what you would expect from them.  They ware actually linking to another site, and here is that link.

‘Am I Normal?’ Check Biggest Study Yet Of Penis Size, Among 15,000 Men

Anything I could add would be superfluous.  But do remember the graph is centimeters. There are 2.54 centimeters to the inch.

penis graph

“Honey, is there something you need to tell me?”

A friend of ours made a remark to her daughter (from another period of her life) that she going to buy a Subaru as that is what lesbians drove… 2015-subaru-outback_100471641_lSubarus. Her daughter was visiting with us and telling us this story about her mother. We recently bought a new Subaru Outback for Robin.

I turn to Robin and say, “Honey, is there something you need to tell me?”

Fortunately I was able to duck her slowing swung swat directed my way.

Fortunately I Ducked Quickly

Robin wanted to get out the house on this snowy day, and recruited me to drive with her to Whole Foods. As we are driving we were discussing our upcoming week and what each of us had planned. I reminded her that I had a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday.

She asked, “Is that with the skin doctor?”

“No,” I replied, “it is with the dermatologist.”

Fortunately I was able to duck her slowing swung swat directed my way.