Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,199

yeah I know you did not ask!

They used to call Ronald Reagan the Teflon President as no scandal or misstep seem to cling to him.  What would you call Effingham Rump?  As he said, he could literally randomly shoot someone in Time Square, in broad daylight, in front of thousands of folks, and he would walk away from it without repercussion.

The number of scandals and just pure evil from Effingham Rump’s administration should have been enough to bring down 20 administrations.  Yet he rocks on.

God save us from the #WorstPresidentEver.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,094

yeah I know you did not ask!

Okay I am going to engage in the use stereotypes.  My main experience with Mexican people is with those that come here to do menial or hard jobs that most Americans do not want to do.  They invariably seem to be hard workers.  My other main experience is with Mexicans at these resorts where they pamper to fat tourists who have disposable incomes.  The staff there also seem invariably to be hard workers.

It is an established fact that wealth inequality, aka lopsided wealth distribution favoring a few over the many, is economically disadvantageous.  Mexico has a very high Gini index.  The US does too, but we seem to put more money back into infrastructure, and have a middle class, shrinking though it is.

So we have this country of hard working people, most of whom want to make a better life for self and family.  Mexico is already the 16th biggest economy on the planet. What a powerhouse Mexico would be if it removed this hindrance to economic growth that is wealth inequality.

I also wonder about the US.  How much better most of us would be if we did not allow so much wealth to accumulate with a few.  If this money was going back into schools, infrastructure, health care, etc.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #182

yeah I know you did not ask!

We just got back from a few days in Cancun.  At the resort, I noticed another American couple that was frequently at the beach the same time as us.  They were what would have been considered grossly obese a decade or two ago.  Now they are just obese.  What gathered in my attention was that both man and woman were covered with tattoos.  My random thought was that if they really wanted to beautiful their bodies (and I only assume that is what tattoos are about) diet and much time in the gym would be a better, healthier option.

But that is me.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,087

yeah I know you did not ask!

Everyone has seen this Churchill quote: “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

But here lately I’ve been wondering if there is not something better. Without an educated, informed populace I don’t know how it is supposed to work or at least work well. It strikes me that people now revel in their ignorance…said the old curmudgeon.

I pray this is the death throes of an old order that is not functional in today’s world.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,430

yeah I know you did not ask!

There is a group of people partaking or getting ready to partake of a meal. The all too common site today is one or more persons at that table deeply involved with their cell phones.  They are essentially ignoring the other souls at the table. I wondered what would happen if I brought a book to that table and begin reading.  Undoubtedly I would be considered rude.  However, in my mind, I do not see a whole lot of difference.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,457

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’ve been trying to figure out Melania Trump.  There is something about her that just does not seem right.  Something that does not quite seem human. My initial thought was that she is actually an alien android whose function is to short circuit what little intellect Effingham Trump has.  My second thought is that she a programmed Russian agent whose task it is to control Effingham Trump.

But then again if I had “small hands” Effingham Trump chasing me around the bedroom I might have that deer in the headlights look too.  I really do not believe there are enough greenbacks in all the world that make that right.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 6,587

yeah I know you did not ask!

For the sake of me I cannot understand why anyone who self-identified as a Christian would have voted for Effingham Trump.  He is the antithesis of all I understand to be Christ’s teaching.

I was ruminating on this and I came up with this theory. They actually believe Effingham Trump to be the Anti-Christ.  As such he is going to hasten the days of Revelation that so many them seem to be waiting for so they will be raptured to heaven.  It is the only thing that makes sense to me.

Channeling Richard Petty

I don’t fly a lot, maybe once or twice a year.  At this point in my life all my flying is for personal reasons.  If you have ever spent any time in airports or aboard planes you know that from time to time you will see some strange things.  Flying is basically pushing people whose main commonality is the ability to purchase a plane ticket into much too close proximity.

We are flying home from Portland to St. Louis on Southwest.  Being in the C group we are near the back of the plane.  We are getting comfortable waiting for the rest of the passengers to come on board when a gentleman comes marching down the aisle.

What struck me first about this man was that I thought he must be channeling Continue reading “Channeling Richard Petty”