A New Wrinkle on Christmas Decorations

Four or five  blocks from our home here in Chesterfield, MO is an area where several young Indian professionals have homes closes to each other.  This is a neighborhood big on decorating the outside their homes for Christmas.  Many of the Indians have decided to join in on the fun.  I have not talked to them to know for sure, but I imagine it reminds them a bit of Diwali, or the festival of lights in India.

One of these Indian homes in particular caught my attention.  Besides the standard, outside, secular Christmas decorations there was this:

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I have no idea.  Maybe it is an Easter, Halloween and Christmas mashup.  Maybe it has something to do with the homeland.  However, it is 100% creepy.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,261

yeah I know you did not ask!

‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’  Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

Here of late I have been to wonder about democracy being the “best form” of government, given that half the population is by definition on the lower half of the bell curve of intelligence.  Whether that half votes as much as the other half, I do not know.  People now days seem to revel in their ignorance.

The other thing that has me worried about democracy is the blind allegiance of so many MAGAs, and GOP politicians to the POS that is our current POTOS, Gospodin Trump.  This represents such a lack of sophistication, such a lack of critical thinking that it scares the living bejeebers out of me. With Fox News as the most popular news channel on cable TV, that just doubles down on the bejeebers fleeing my body.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,679

yeah I know you did not ask!

We have a lady that comes in every 2 weeks to give the house a good cleaning. My wife runs around like the Mad Hatter picking up things and wiping down surfaces before she comes. It drives me a little crazy. At that point it is clean enough for me!!!

She also pre-rinses the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher to such an extent that more than once I have remarked, “Why don’t you just dry that and put it away?” (I am not always a smart husband)


I recently bought a cheap kayak for exercise purposes.  It gives me a change from bicycling on the Katy Trail or the little gym in our basement.  I’ve been taking it out to Creve Coeur Lake Park a couple times a week. 

Creve Coeur Lake Park is 2200 acre park with a 320 acre lake about 10 or 15 minutes from the house.  While Creve Coeur Lake is pretty and scenic it is not very clean. It is not very deep, 10 feet at the most.  Also during times of flood on the Missouri River, this area all goes under water.   And let’s face it, people are not always that clean, and a lot trash from the park ends up in the lake.

On Saturdays if the weather is even half way decent the park is very Continue reading “Huuuhhhh?”

You do not have to do that, no one is watching

I frequently golf in Columbia, IL across the Mississippi River from my home in Chesterfield, MO. The courses are a little cheaper over there, and a little easier to get on.  Also, over there is a driving range that is the bargain of the century.  They charge $5 and you can hit all the balls you want.  Just to give you a little perspective, most places charge between $10 to $12 for a bucket of 90 balls.  If you are at a golf course and want to warm up before your round, they will charge you $4 to $6 for a bucket of 30 or so balls.

As you can imagine this is not the nicest place in the world, but it is sufficient for banging golf balls.  It is just on the other side of the Mississippi River levee and as such is very flat and sometimes very muddy.  It  is what we call Continue reading “You do not have to do that, no one is watching”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,134

yeah I know you did not ask!

What do you call a group of elderly women?

I was riding my bicycle early in the morning at the Creve Coeur Lake Park.  Coming my way was a group of 12 or 15 elderly women riding their bikes.  I knew they were elderly as they all looked to be around my age plus or minus 10 years…old.  About a third of them were obnoxious morning people who insisted on saying “good morning” to me.  Did they not know I had short changed my coffee to get out there that early?

I begin to wonder what do you call a group of older women… a clutch, a coven, a pack,  a posse, madams, it is a murder of crows, a charm of foxes, a mob of kangaroos…

Just wondering, any good suggestions leave a comment.