Juanita Rush was channeling Confucius

A while back I put out a quote from my mother, Juanita Rush,  who came up it while in an Alzheimer’s ward.  She said, “When we were younger, the things we thought were hard were really pretty easy.”

Recently I have been doing some work on the web presence of my blog and I came across this quote I had posted attributed to  Confucius which states:  “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.“

It dawned on me  my mother was Continue reading “Juanita Rush was channeling Confucius”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,833

yeah I know you did not ask!

My bride, Robin, has a minor hobby.  She likes to go to estate sales, not often, she may average a little more than once a month.  She frequently buys nothing, or perhaps some little gewgaw.  Once in a great while she will find a real bargain. She invariably goes on Sunday when everything is half priced, but has been picked over. She really seems to enjoy the hunt.

Perhaps once or twice a year she manages to talk me into going with her.  When I go I am mainly looking for books of classical literature or history, maybe fishing gear.  Once I did find an nice erotic painting that is now hanging in our bedroom.  My main problem with going to estate sales is that they absolutely depress the hell out of me.  I will unfailingly find myself muttering as we leave, “You are born, you live, you die, and in the end strangers pick through your shit for pennies on the dollar.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,831

yeah I know you did not ask!

Here is something I have been ruminating on for the past few days.  If Bugs Bunny and Superman were to go head-to-head, one-on-one,  eye-to-eye, super hero to rabbit, who would come out on top?

Anyone old enough to have watched much Looney Tunes knows that Bugs Bunny always, and I mean always, triumphs.  And of course, the Man of Steel is, well, the Man of Steel.

I’m putting my money on Bugs and giving odds.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,342

yeah I know you did not ask!

A little after I woke up this morning I looked at the weather app on my phone.  For all the world I was hoping I had changed it from Fahrenheit to Celsius.  I do that sometimes as I talk regularly with folks in other countries via Skype in my endeavor to learn the Spanish language.  While I can do the temperature conversion fairly rapidly in my head, it easier just to change the settings on the app.  People living on or close to the equator are somewhat fascinated by cold and variable weather of the northern latitudes.  Or maybe we are just trying to find a topic to talk about!

The story I like to tell about is talking to a young man in Honduras.  When he popped on my Skype screen he was in a jacket and had on mittens.  I asked him if he was cold.  He replied that he was freezing and explained to me it was 15 degrees (59 degrees Fahrenheit). All is relative.  Some folks here would have been in shorts at that temperature in January.

Long story, short…I had not changed the temperature scale in use on my phone.  It is just freaking cold today and getting colder.

Busco una oportunidad de voluntariado en Latinoamérica

Queridos amigos,

Quisiera pedirte un favor. Pon atención. Hay una oportunidad de voluntariado para este gringo.

Parte de la razón por la cual estoy estudiando español, es usarlo cuando viaje por Latinoamérica. Con los problemas de salud de mi esposa, no estoy seguro que viajemos juntos afuera de nuestro país mucho. Ella tiene miedos y también ella no está segura de su habilidad de hacer mucho. Todavía soy suficiente activo y algunas veces la diferencia física es un problema para nosotros. Yo la amo tal cual como ella es, y parte de la vida es tratar con estos problemas… C’est la vie, n’est pas.  ¡Así es la vida!

Hay una oportunidad  de voluntariado con un ONG Continue reading “Busco una oportunidad de voluntariado en Latinoamérica”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,530

yeah I know you did not ask!

I wish I could say this was original with me, but it is not.  But is still a good practice.

Most folks think the 3 most important words in a long term relationship (especially when you live together) are, “I love you.”  It was this person’s contention which I wholeheartedly agree with that the 3 most important words are, “Let it go.” I suppose you could substitute, “No big deal” or “this will pass” or “let it be” or any number of other phrases.  The thought being is don’t sweat the small stuff and give each other some latitude to be their self.

My wife the other day said to me, “We’re so different.”  At the time I was making some tea for us.  The package instructions say to steep for 4 to 5 minutes.  To me the tea is bitter if the bag is left in there too long.  I had set the kitchen time to 4 minutes and was waiting for it to ding before I removed the tea bags.  Setting the timer is something she would never have done. The analogy is that she is an artist and I am a draftsman.  I like my lines precise. I could have been upset at her seemingly mocking my precision, but hey… let it go.

Since I had heard/read this I have used it multiple times.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,038

yeah I know you did not ask!

This present generation is so over the top on PC – Political Correctness that I personally find it troubling.  They seem to become offended by nearly every term that is not absolutely tepid tea.

So ironically, to this old fart, to this old curmudgeon, this is the same generation that has come with the derogatory term, “OK, BOOMER”.  A term applied to older folks who they feel are out of date and their point of view is no longer relevant.

All I am saying, WHIPPERSNAPPER,  is that if you are going to talk the talk, you should be walking the walk.

Below are a couple articles that give some examples of PC ran amok… in this humble BOOMER’s opinion.

A to Z of politically correct madness: The Left’s ‘Thought Police’ continues to censor language as ‘manfully’ is labelled sexist

11 Examples Of Political Correctness Gone Mad

Just as a side note, the first time I heard the term, being an Okie, I thought it was a sports put down of the University of Oklahoma teams…Sooner Boomers.