Reasons to be cheerful

I was listening to a Freakonomics podcast this morning as I ran on the treadmill.  They touched on several things, but one them was an interview with David Byrne of Talking Heads fame.   He discussed how a while back he was overwhelmed by all the negativity coming at him in the news, social media, etc.  As a response to that he started collecting positive stories, and at the same time limiting his exposure to those sources.

His computer folder of positive stories has turned into a website.  I have not had a chance to do a deep dive into the website, but it looks interesting.  I know I can use some positivity in my life right now.  Here is the link: Reasons To Be Cheerful

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,238

yeah I know you did not ask!

We visited another couple yesterday evening.  We went over to their house, sat outside to eat the Chinese food we had ordered delivered.  We took reasonable precautions about sharing various utensils and passing things.

Deciding to have social interactions during the coronavirus shelter-in-place mandates reminds me a bit of some of the discussions I had during the 18 years between my marriages.  Vague questions trying to feel out our mutual “social interaction” history.  Not so vague questions trying to ascertain if we had been practicing safe “social distancing”. How do you feel about being tested? You can imagine.

That was the negotiation we had last night.  We decided that none of the four of us had been out much, that we had all used precautions on those occasions when we did go out, and that we had not been around anyone with symptoms… as far as we knew. At least they did not require us to bring a doctor’s report certifying our status!

Strange times we live.

Bill Gates, Wuhan, COVID-19

This is how truly nutty the world of conspiracy theories is.

I study Spanish via Skype with several different individuals that live mostly in Central America and northern South America.  I’ve never researched how much business China does in Latin America, but according to these folks Chinese products are huge there, especially technology items. Consequently, due to the business connections of Continue reading “Bill Gates, Wuhan, COVID-19”

I Finished a Task Started in Childhood

I had a very brief and exceedingly undistinguished career in the Boy Scouts of America.  I am going to attribute the briefness to the frequency to which my family moved due to the nature of my father’s work.  I started the Boy Scouts in Toms River, New Jersey.  I do not remember much about that experience except we met in the basement of a church of some Protestant denomination.   I remember learning the Scout salute, handshake and some knots.

Best I recall I went on one camp out with the troop to a larger jamboree of Continue reading “I Finished a Task Started in Childhood”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #7,070

yeah I know you did not ask!

My positive thought for the day.

As my mama with the 5 sons taught, I raised both parts of the toilet bowl lid to do my business. Therein, I saw a small moth swimming on top of the water.  I then proceeded to rain on his aquatic endeavors.  Being finished with my activities I flushed the toilet, and watched Mr. Moth disappear in a whirlpool of off colored water.

No matter how the rest of my day goes, I will have had a better day than Mr. Moth.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,039

yeah I know you did not ask!

Funny how the meaning of words can change over time.

Reginald gaily ejaculated his approbation of the proposition for dining alfresco.

Read in a Victorian novel the previous line would have been perfectly acceptable even somewhat trite.  Now days you would be hotly ejaculating, “Tsk, tsk, please do not send me anymore of your porn.”

Yup, that one was very random!


Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,235

yeah I know you did not ask!

As we go through life we develop triggers that bring back memories.  I have no way of enumerating mine, but I suspect I have 100s if not thousands of the little beggars.  Right now I am thinking of two of mine that have been persistent over many years.  One is sweet, and the other, perhaps, a little weird.

Between my stint at the University of Rhode Island and finishing up college at the University of Central Oklahoma I took Continue reading “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,235”

How to Sew a Face Mask

Okay, let’s have a contest… I want a mask with a Razorback on it, a mask that is  OU red with the logo, the Cardinal one she made was really cool. They are talking about sheltering in place here in St. Louis past the original 30 April date so I could use several. Heck I would even take one that had the STL Blues logo on it.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,369

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’m a golfer.  Like every other golfer I know I have a love / hate relationship with the game.  It is the nature of the sport.  Round to round it is never the same.  About the time you have a glimmer of hope that you can play the game, the golf gods whack you up side the head and laughingly and not kindly say, “Silly mortal, you should know better!”

All that aside, there are a dumpster full of reasons of why I hate Gospodin Trump, but towards the top of that list is that he has made golfers and golf look so very bad. There is a time and place for everything… except, apparently if you are this POS POTUS.