Where have I heard that before…

The transcendent Señora Weinhaus loves to read, but of late due to health and (shhh…) aging issues she has been having difficulty doing so.  I thought perhaps if I got her an eReader whereby she could control the font and other factors it might bring this enjoyable activity back into play for her.

After researching the matter I landed on the Kobo Clara HD, mainly as it was touted as the best choice if you want to use third party options, like say, your public library.  Kindle was the best choice if you want to tap into the Amazon universe of eBooks.  But with a world of free eBooks available from the library and other sources, “why buy?” said Señor Tacaño.

I pre-ordered the unit the first of May for delivery at the end of May.  I then told my bride that I had a present coming for her so she could bathe in the delight of anticipation.   The release date was set back and the eReader finally arrived today, at the end of June.  That might have been a bit too much anticipation.

Fedex had dumped the box on our front porch, and the only way I knew to look for it was an email saying it had been delivered. They had also accidentally left a package for the neighbors across the street, whom I knew were home.  I am not a big fan of the way deliveries are done these days.

Back from my curmudgeonly aside…

I grabbed the box and headed upstairs to find the mistress of our abode.  I opened the package and took the eReader out to give to her, and I found myself saying, “I thought it would be bigger.”  Then nagging memories came rushing back and I thought, “And where have I heard that before?!?”

Keep well.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,309

yeah I know you did not ask!

I do not watch a lot of TV, but lately when I do I invariably see a commercial from a hotel chain, airline, restaurant and many different other types of businesses touting how well they are cleaning.  The ads from airlines and hotels definitely grab my attention.

After seeing one of these advertisements I habitually have the same thought, “Why the hell were they not doing this before the pandemic?”  And by the way, what is this “deep cleaning” they all are bragging about?


Folks have been working livestock with the help of dogs for several millenniums now.  My former father-in-law (a good man, God rest his soul) was a master of this method, a true artist. My in-laws had a small ranch, usually with a core herd of 60 or 70 “mama” cows.  This meant they usually had an equal number of cows to sell at a future point.

My father-in-law usually had two dogs, one of which was heeler and the other a header.  A heeler moves a cow by coming in from their back side, Continue reading “Eyeballers…”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,855

yeah I know you did not ask!

Last Christmas I was given a gift card to Half Price Books.  Works for me as normally folks do not read the print off the page, and why pay full price. This is especially true as much of my reading is not necessarily of the latest books hot off the press.

So, with gift card in hand, I made the sojourn to the nearest Half Price Book store about 3 miles from the house.  After wandering around for a while, I had a few books in hand, but I still had a bit of money left on the card.  I passed the rack of calendars, and realized I did not have a 2020 calendar for my man cave.  After discarding calendars of cute cats or puppies, impressive landscapes, inspiring quotes, I was torn between one of a science fiction theme and one of Kama Sutra illustrations.  One of the folks I work with on my Spanish is from Guatemala.  He sometimes refers to me as Viejo Verde. Living up to my reputation I bought the calendar with drawings based on the ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life.

So far I have not attempted any of the postures depicted.  Just looking at them daily has forced me to visit the chiropractor and get a script for muscle relaxers.  I am assuming the ancients had bones of rubber.

Republican Platform

I just read (maybe reread) H. G. Wells, The First Men in the Moon. I sometimes think that in a previous life I must have lived either either Great Britain or Russia during the 1800s.  For some reason that literature talks to me.  Anyhoo…

The narrator, the companion of the scientist protagonist of Well’s novel, finding themselves in a pickle on the moon, delivers the following commentary:

“It’s this accursed science,” I cried. “It’s the very Devil. The mediæval priests and persecutors were right and the Moderns are all wrong. You tamper with it—and it offers you gifts. And directly you take them it knocks you to pieces in some unexpected way. Old passions and new weapons—now it upsets your religion, now it upsets your social ideas, now it whirls you off to desolation and misery!”

As I read that it dawned on me that the Republican Party must have lifted that line verbatim to put into their party’s platform.

Just in case inquiring minds wanted to know.

Keep well.


Towel Day – May 25th

Even a casual fan of science fiction is well aware of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and its sequels by Douglas Adams. As literature they are no great shake, but as entertainment they work very well.  They have made a movie and tried a TV series.  I generally like the book better than the movie and it holds in this case.

The basic premise is that just before earth is destroyed Continue reading “Towel Day – May 25th”

I can be a little ornery at times…

6 years ago I sneaked onto my bride’s Facebook page and posted this as if she had written it.  Fortunately, she did not beam me with a frying pan.

David has been crying the BLUES about missing the South. One of the things he misses is crepe myrtle. Do you know how hard it is find any that will grow in zone 6 aka St. Louis? Well, I found some. 3 of the suckers for $150. I planted those puppies along our property line. 2 red crepe myrtles and one pink. The son-of-a-sea-biscuit better stop the alligator tears about a blue bayou now.

Tee hee hee…

Did I hear someone say, “A little ornery? At times?”

After 6 years the crepe myrtle is still going strong, but they have never gotten tall like they do down south.  They basically die back to ground level every winter, and start fresh shoots at ground level in the spring.  They are very pretty in the middle of the summer.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,282

yeah I know you did not ask!

I have no idea if there is a god or not.   I am reasonable sure there is not a personal god like they speak of in various religious texts.  Given that, I really do not believe there is a devil.  However for some reason the lyrics to the Blood, Sweat & Tears song And When I Die comes to mind just about now.

One of my favorite quotes is from the singer/composer/actor Tom Waits which goes a little something like this… “Don’t you know there ain’t no devil, it’s just god when he’s drunk.”

That quote came to me in the middle of the night as I was staring at the ceiling reflecting on current events.  I decided if there is any truth to that quote then god must be a binge drinker and he is on a hell of a bender long about now.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,958

yeah I know you did not ask!

After scanning the news headlines this morning I decided there are two courses that should be required in every high school. The first, Civics, so people have some general sense about how our government should function.

The second course would be Civility.  Reading about people misbehaving so badly in businesses that have reopened in the middle of this pandemic it seems many folks are lacking in basic manners. I keep thinking of one of my Mother’s pet peeves that she strove mightily to drive into core of her 5 sons…with varying degrees of success, CFOP.  Which stands for Consideration For Other People.  If she caught you in a faux pas in this regard she had a whole spiel she would launch into wherein the acronym CFOP was repeated an amazing number of times.

Just for good measure a few semesters of US and World History would not hurt also.


Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #456

yeah I know you did not ask!

Faust Park is a county park about 3 miles from the house.  They have the trails at that park open, all of them one way to help with social distancing.  None of the playgrounds, bathrooms, carousel,etc are open.

This evening, myself and the whimsical Señora Weinhaus decided to take the wee dog for a walk around the park and through some of the wooded paths.  Actually, quite pleasant and for the most part folks were adhering to the guidelines. You are always going to have a few iconoclasts.

Coming out of the woods there were a group of people sitting more or less at the recommended 2 meters of separation. It was obvious they were having some sort of birthday party from the signage.  As we got closer I could see it was for an older lady who they had seated in a throne like chair with a chintzy  crown on her head.  Not that there is an ounce of danger in that direction, but if my kids ever did such a thing…

Anyway back to the story.  Our birthday queen had on a mask.  As we passed I overheard them talking about masks, probably because they wanted to take the queen’s picture.  That is when I heard one gentleman remark, “I have a mask too, but I am saving it for when I drywall.”  How utterly tone deaf can you be? He must be the uncle everyone talks about that disrupts the Thanksgiving dinner with his crackpot political views.