Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #597

yeah I know you did not ask!

Compassionate Señora Weinhaus and I cycle between anger, depression and sadness about the current situation in the country.  Not all of it is fault of the Gospodin Trump administration, but much of it is.  Or least his response or lack of response to situations.

Which got me to wondering are there support groups for folks suffering from Trump PTSD?  If not there should be.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,889

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was reading an article about the recent Republican National Convention.  The article referred to Mike Pence as Gospodin Trump’s wing man.  At the time I thought, “wingnut would be more accurate.”  Ruminating on that, I thought, “No, the function of a wingnut is to help hold things together.”  This administration’s handling of the country is more like a turbine breaking up at high speed.  Watch out for flying parts.

I am not sure what the appropriate term is for just another nut job circling around planet 666 aka Trump’s Dystopian World is, but anything I can think of is not appropriate for mixed company and children.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,994

yeah I know you did not ask!

If I was being truthful, I would say I really do not understand myself. I have a hard time understanding people in general, but women truly remain a mystery to me.

I had a thought this morning, “I really do not understand women”.  I then had a minor epiphany and realized that for the most part I had given trying to understand the fairer sex several years ago.  My goal had changed from understanding to just going with the flow.  My success rate with that ebbs and flows, sometimes dramatically.  However, on the whole, it is a better way of operating.  I then went with my ruminations and though how much easier my life would have been if I had discovered this personal axiom of gender relationships some 50 years ago.  I suppose that goes under “better late than never”.

Keep well.

Cultural Diversity – How Many Continents Are There?

I am working with several Spanish teachers/tutors from different countries to get a wide range of accents and styles. Every couple weeks I visit with a young woman, Micaela, from Coca, Ecuador.  Coca is in the northern part of the country at the confluence of 2 or 3 rivers in what looks to me to be Amazonian Jungle.  I do know the primary industry of this town is petroleum.

Micaela is very personable, very intelligent and a great conversationalist. She is trained as an accountant, which in this country would imply a 4 year college degree.   I’m not sure what her educational background is, Continue reading “Cultural Diversity – How Many Continents Are There?”

A bushel and a peck…

A bushel and a peck… and a hug around the neck.  I have heard this little ditty for about as long as I have memories.  It is generally in a situation like this:

Wife: Do you love me?
Husband: A bushel and peck…
Wife looking expectant.
Husband:  And a hug around the neck!

I have never really thought about it a much until recently.  Being incredibly stupid or ignorant we made a trip to New Orleans the week after Mardi Gras 2020.  We went as the trip had been planned for a while.  The purpose of the trip was to visit an old family friend of Robin’s, Syble,  who had recently entered a nursing home.  The fear was if we did not make the trip soon it might be pointless later as she was in the early stages of dementia and not young. Continue reading “A bushel and a peck…”

3 Viagra Stories

My mother going for a ride in LI BLU


I bought my 2006 top-of-the-line Mazda MX-5 (a rose is a rose by any name…so Miata works) almost new in May of 2007. The 50ish gentleman I bought it from had fallen in love with a younger women with two small children.  He needed a family car to accommodate his new family,  and so he was desperate to sell.  I worked the deal and paid a very reasonable price for the car.  I almost felt sorry for him, but a deal is a deal.

If you are not familiar with a Miata it is a little two seat convertible.  Mine is a bright blue that has become reasonably popular the last few years.  Back then it was unique.  At the time I was dating Continue reading “3 Viagra Stories”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,481

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’ve lived nearly 7 decades on this incredibly tiny mote at the far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy.  I am not sure that I have learned or figured out much in this breathtakingly short time of corporeal existence , but here is one.  90% of anyone’s success in a relationship is the ability to ignore.  A true practitioner of this art moves it from ignoring to  acceptance.

The tolerant Señora Weinhaus is a Zen Master of this aid to human interaction.  It, in conjunction with her ability to love, goes a long way to explaining her large circle of friends.  To me, of the INTJ personality, her aptitude seems to be of a paranormal ilk .  It seems to be something out of the reach of a mere mortal like myself.

However, even the forbearing Señora Weinhaus is challenged by my preternatural talents of eructation and flatulence.  It does make me wonder what karma this poor woman is working out.

We got a long way to go

I went for a short bike ride this a.m., about 26 miles. To do this I went out to Creve Coeur Park.  I went to a  lesser used trailhead on River Valley Drive.  This particular starting point allows me to do a little warm up within the park.  I then go over the Missouri River and drop down on to the Katy Trail.  This particular day I rode to and through St. Charles on this rail to trail project, waving to the statue of Lewis & Clark that is between the trail and the Missouri River in Old Town St. Charles.

As I was unloading my bicycle from the back of my pickup truck, I vaguely noticed a black sedan go by. As this road / parking lot dead ends just before the bike path, the car had to turn around and come back.  As they passed me the young “lady” in the passenger seat screamed, “TRUMP KICKS ASS.”

I am sure this was in response to several anti-Trump  bumper stickers on my back windshield.  You can see a picture on my article Ooops…Wrong Digit. I have since added one bumper sticker whose boldest part is Stop The Donald, basically equating our POS POTUS to a sexually transmitted disease.  After I  put the first set on my truck on 20 January 2017 I was flipped off multiple times.  I have not been flipped off for at least 2 years now.  In fact, I have had people comment in parking lots, etc. that they agreed with me.

I am not sure it is the smartest thing I could do, place inflammatory political bumper stickers on a valuable possession, but it needs to said.  And it needs to be said often.  What are you for in these troubled times?  I do understand that folks are afraid of antagonizing MAGAs, but we must stop this madness.

86 45 11-03-2020

Keep well.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,266

yeah I know you did not ask!

Every time I see a group of what is 99% males toting assault weapons demonstrating for any number of kooky causes, all I can see is a group of 13 year old boys who could not figure out how to grow up.

And while I am on the subject… I can see some good points to the philosophy / political stance of Libertarianism, but, again, as practiced in this country, it generally strikes me as the stance of teenage boys pushing back against whatever father figure is in their life. It does not strike me as a mature way to organize a society.

Keep well.