If I was not so damn old, and Canada so damn cold

Court eases business, union election spending rule — Link removed

From the above article:
“The Supreme Court threw out a 63-year-old law designed to restrain the influence of big business and unions on elections Thursday, ruling that corporations may spend as freely as they like to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress. The decision could drastically alter who gives and gets hundreds of millions of dollars in this year’s crucial midterm elections.”

All together now…

I pledge allegiance to the registered trade mark
Of the United Corporations of America
And to the greed for which it stands
One conglomerate under  Adam Smith
Outsourced, with excessive profit
And power for an chosen few

If I was not so damn old, and Canada so damn cold, I would immigrate. I hate what the Right is doing to this country. I used to be proud to say I was American. That has not been true for quite some time now.

WTF is Right

From an online discussion (I just love civilized discourse):

Obama is the president. He can only sign the bill the house of representatives pass and send to his desk.  Executive branch cannot make the legislative branch do anything they do not want. Clinton tried in 1992. How did that go….. 

As for the Legislative branch: If I remember, the Soap went something like this:

 GOP: we will block and sabatoge anything important to Obama no matter what

 (Senate Dems : kisses Olympia snow’s butt to try and get 60 votes. But apparently party loyalty is more important than the country…) Continue reading “WTF is Right”

Ideas for Liberal bumper stickers

You’ve all seen them. Various bumper stickers denigrating socialism, health care reform, anything supposedly Liberal.

There does not seem to be a whole lot of ones out there of the other ilk. How about coming up with a few?

I’ll start it off.

Capitalism: Where 10% of the people have 65% of the wealth.

Capitalism: Have you checked your 401k lately.

I love how Korporations  manage MY health care.

Canada could teach US about citizen centered government

Health Care System Forces Bad Decisions

Some of us get to the fork in the road, see the sign that advises that the bridge is out ahead, and take that fork anyway.  All of us make some bad choices or decisions.  Some of us make more than others.

My brother has probably made more than many.  One of those was to continue smoking in the face of all the evidence of its harmfulness.  Another was choosing to work jobs that did not require urinalysis as part of the employment screening process.

Don’t get me wrong,  my brother is a hard worker.  He is a conscientious worker, and he prides himself in doing a good job.  He does not partake of substances illegal or otherwise during working hours.  Continue reading “Health Care System Forces Bad Decisions”

Objective should be to make the U.S. self-sufficient in marijuana

marijuana-leafHere is the link to the article in the Wall Street Journal Saving Mexico

I’m not a big fan of drugs.  I’ve seen them ruin too many lives.  I’m also not a big fan of keeping drugs illegal.  That is also wrecking too many lives.  Add to that the amount of energy and resources being wasted enforcing the  criminalization  and it equals crazy.  The energy/resources could be better used elsewhere.  

We tried alcohol prohibition and that did not work. It created vast criminal enterprises.  It is the same with drugs.  I appreciate that there is a moral argument here.  Continue reading “Objective should be to make the U.S. self-sufficient in marijuana”

Am I a 3 eyed Martian?

Here is another reason I worry about this country. These folks are dangerous and harmful to this country. If they believe what they say, they have serious mental problems. My belief is that they do for the ratings which is really for the money that ends up in their pockets, or to put it succinctly GREED. And it is greed is what has driven this country to the brink of economic depression.

This not sane, considered debate about policies and the direction this country needs to take. It is rabble rousing and propaganda for profit. And if that is love of country I am a 3 eyed Martian.

Undereducated / Uneducated Americans

I have taken a more circuitous educational path than most folks.  My career road has perhaps been even more tortured.  Now factor in that I have lived in ten states and one foreign country.  One of the advantages of such meanderings is that I have studied in several different fields, seen many types of jobs and industries, and I have been exposed to a wide range of people.  

I do not see myself as atypical, but sometimes I wonder.  I work in a technical field, computer programming.  Most of the folks I work with are college educated, and many are very smart.   What does surprise me is the narrowness of their knowledge and world view.  The folks discussed below are smart and successful in their fields, but the following anecdotes do illustrate my point. 

I have an Indian co-worker that related to me a story about his birthday which is on the same day as Mohandas Gandhi.  Continue reading “Undereducated / Uneducated Americans”

Is this racist?

I don’t like this man. And at the same time I sometimes feel like we see racism where it ain’t.

Howard Cosell (not old enough to remember who this is?) lost his job over a “monkey” remark.

I can see this clip as racist, or given my opionion of Washington in general I can see it as a statement of the reality of the place.

What do you think?