Rest In Peace -United States of America

Rest In Peace
United States of America
July 4, 1776 – January 20, 2025
“Even God could not save her from the religious.”

There needs to be some serious soul searching amongst the denizens of this country.  There was no sane, moral or ethical reason for having voted for the chimera that is DJT, especially this time around, as his psychopathy had been on full display for years.

If you voted for him because your religion is preaching an Armageddon / Second Coming of Christ fantasy, and he is the the agent that God will use to fulfill those end days delusions, you need to apply critical thinking skills to what they are  spewing from the pulpits and to religion in general.  But then again, it seems to me, the only way for people to be religious is to forego thinking critically about it.  With the Evangelicals embracing DJT as they have, faith has become a four letter word in my book.

God save us from the religious.

For the first time in my life I am truly afraid, afraid of future, afraid of what this country is becoming, afraid of many of my fellow citizens, afraid of what DJT and his ilk are going to do to this world. The only bright spot I can see in this cluster f*** is that I will not be around much longer to witness it.

The EASIEST countries to move to as an American.

I will never pry Señora out of St. Louis, and I am very fond of her…  If not for that, I would definitely see this as a possibility.   I thought Costa Rica was a wonderful country with very friendly people.  Panama I would have to visit to get a better feel for.  The thought of living in Spain has always intrigued me.  I hear wonderful things about Portugal.  While Italy is not on this list, it has a warm spot in my heart.  My Spanish is passable enough that it would not be an issue in 3 of the countries, although English is widely spoken in those three too. My main issue with Central America is that golf courses are few and far between, and not particularly cheap.  Of course if my back continues its downward journey, that will cease to be so important. I know that four of the six countries on the list have large ex-pat communities.  The other two might, but it would need some research.  I am sure he does not really mean it, but I have a long standing offer of housing in Honduras.

I just cannot get over the fact that 71 million of my fellow citizens voted for the monster that is tRump, especially with every sane, main stream Republican screaming at the top of their voice that the Emperor is wearing no clothes, please vote for for the Democrat.  There is something fundamentally wrong with the soul of this country. I won’t bore you with a rant about what I think that is.

I may be an American, but I am not a proud American, in fact I am the complete opposite after this election.

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Racism and Misogyny have won out

Kamala Harris is infinitely more qualified to be President of the United States than the tRump.  I just do not understand how so many people could vote for this horrible, terribly horrible person except by explaining it by their fear of a woman of color holding the office – racism and misogyny.   They also rejected Hillary Clinton, who was probably the most qualified person to run for the office in my lifetime.

I am having fantasies of checking out of this world rather than living through the next four years of the cluster fuck that is going to be a second go round with this monster.  But I am not likely to do so as Señora has had enough pain in her life, plus I doubt I have the courage.  What is about to come down the road, however, might make me desperate enough.

As a military brat I always had a great love and pride of country. No more.  With tRump, Christian Nationalism, Project 2025, etc., I have come to hate what this country has become, especially since they seem to be doubling done on the awfulness.  It does seem like from all the history I have read, that in the long run, evil generally wins out over good. tRump is evil incarnate.

Truly if there is a god as detailed in the religious texts, he hates humanity, as we keep getting leaders of such low caliber.   I really thought that when tRump was elected the first time, it was one of the worst days of my life.  I was wrong.  Since we know what a monster tRump is this time around, yet he was elected, this time feels and is significantly worse.

The only positive thing to come out of last night is that Missourians did vote to repeal the draconian ban of abortion.  However, I fully expect tRump and gangsters to make a national abortion ban law.

May the Devil save us as apparently God is not going to do so.

And so it should not go.

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Keb’ Mo’ – Put a Woman in Charge feat. Rosanne Cash (Official Music Video)

Keb’ Mo’ and Rosanne Cash, two of my favorites, singing Put a Woman in Charge.

I say we try it. How wonderful it could be if we brought some feminine sensibilities to governing the world…

Although I have know some Southern, gun-toting, Republican women who would make JD Vance seem like a liberal choir boy.

Vote today as if the future of our country depends on it… because it does.

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Robert Reich: Kamala Harris in 90 Seconds

Robert Reich: Kamala Harris in 90 Seconds (well… a little more than 90 seconds)

IMHO, it is a very clear choice this election cycle, fascism and theocracy with tRump and Vance, or two genuinely good folks in Harris and Walz whom are running for office with service in mind as opposed to tRump’s need to self-aggrandize. And then there is Vance, ambition for ambition’s sake and a need to force his Draconian wrong-headed values on the rest of us.

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Early Voting

Not sure what this portends in this obscenely deep red state of Missouri, but this is the line for early voting at a library close to our house.  Missouri opened no excuse early voting starting October 22 and continues right up the day before election day, November 5th. From everything I have been reading, it is a very popular.  This picture was taken on Friday, October 25th around 10:30 in the morning.

The line once inside the library was two or three times as long as the line outside as they had us snaking around like we were in an airport TSA line. All in all though, it went smoothly.  From the time I parked my truck — we had to walk a ways back to the library — it took us an hour to vote.

Just as an aside, one thing I do not like about Missouri elections is Continue reading “Early Voting”

Praying For Armageddon

This documentary,  Praying For Armageddon, is from the BBC and is about American Evangelicals and their support of Israel. Even though I knew most of what was presented in this documentary, I found it absolutely chilling, as well as very depressing. This video describes how American Evangelicals are willing and hopeful of fomenting discord to the point of global war to bring about their long awaited Armageddon. It is an extremely scary world view.

(My origin link to a single video of the complete documentary had a forced take down due to copyright issues… maybe these will stay up)

The milieu that I grew up in was Southern Baptist, although with us moving around so much, it was an on again, off again, immersion. My favorite uncle, whom I loved very much, was a Southern Baptist minister.  I passed two summers in his household as teenager as I was having so many problems at home.  I think the hope was that it might reattach my shaky rudder, which it did to some extent.

While my uncle was gracious about it, I just could Continue reading “Praying For Armageddon”