Rest In Peace
United States of America
July 4, 1776 – January 20, 2025
“Even God could not save her from the religious.”
There needs to be some serious soul searching amongst the denizens of this country. There was no sane, moral or ethical reason for having voted for the chimera that is DJT, especially this time around, as his psychopathy had been on full display for years.
If you voted for him because your religion is preaching an Armageddon / Second Coming of Christ fantasy, and he is the the agent that God will use to fulfill those end days delusions, you need to apply critical thinking skills to what they are spewing from the pulpits and to religion in general. But then again, it seems to me, the only way for people to be religious is to forego thinking critically about it. With the Evangelicals embracing DJT as they have, faith has become a four letter word in my book.
God save us from the religious.
For the first time in my life I am truly afraid, afraid of future, afraid of what this country is becoming, afraid of many of my fellow citizens, afraid of what DJT and his ilk are going to do to this world. The only bright spot I can see in this cluster f*** is that I will not be around much longer to witness it.
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