My Anti-Trump Shirt

Below you will find my anti-Trump shirt.  If you look closely you will observe that the motif is mostly sharks.  I have been thinking about hand drawing some batteries onto my pool shirt to make it a double parody  of Trump’s wonderful political rally speech in Las Vegas.

Just in case you do not get the reference, watch this video of the “highly articulate” felon going on about how he would rather be eaten by a shark or electrocuted.

Heaven forbid we should be talking about issues in this election cycle. What has our country come to that any sane person would think this man should be president one time, let alone a second time. My beloved country would cease to exist as anything I would acknowledge as my country.

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My New Porsche

Señora has lived in her house for almost 40 years, being the second owner, the house being constructed in 1978.  It still had the original cedar siding that had been painted a few times. Reality was that the siding should have been replaced at least 5 years ago, if not earlier.   It had not been done, partially because Señora loved the cedar, it stood out from the other homes in the neighborhood, which have siding or a combination of siding and brick.  And  partially as she was Continue reading “My New Porsche”

John Oliver on a Trump 2nd Term… Be scared, very scared

John Oliver on a Trump 2nd Term… Be scared, very scared.

If you have 30 minutes it is well worth your time.  There are groups gearing up to enable Trump’s anti-democratic, racist, classist agenda to be more effective on a second go-around.  No matter how hard I try, I cannot come up with a single positive reason why anyone would support Donald Trump.  I really wonder when they stopped teaching Civics, American History and critical thinking in the schools.  Although I do not think critical thinking has ever been high on the American educational agenda.

Disheartening is the only word I can come up with…

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Cicada Crunching Canine

Our little seven kilogram lap dog, Prancess Lily, has gone bonkers.  With the long rumored emergence of cicadas finally happening here in Chesterfield, by gawd, Missouri, they appear to be some sort of canine catnip, sending our beloved pet into paroxysms of delight. She alternates between playing with them like a cat with a mouse, and chowing down on them.

According to ABC Chicago:

Experts say cicadas are not toxic to dogs or cats, and don’t bite or sting. The bugs, which can be one to one-and-a-half inches long, aren’t poisonous either.

Dr. Patricia Ho, veterinarian at Kindred Veterinary, said a pet eating an occasional cicada in most cases is harmless, but the insects have a tough exoskeleton that can make digestion a challenge, especially if eaten in large quantities and for smaller pets.

“So if we’re seeing issues with eating too many, we can see some complications related to vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea, indigestion and, worst case scenario, they can have intestinal blockages,” Dr. Ho said.

However Señora is also having her own paroxysms… not of delight, every time she realizes that Prancess Lily is partaking of this entomological treat. She either starts vocalizing voraciously at our poor petite pooch, or she runs out into the backyard to stop her from munching on what must be a tasty treat.

On the upside, we might to able to save a little on dog food, and from all the exercise Señora is getting she might lose the five pounds she has been fretting about – and from my point of view, does not need to lose.

And so it goes.

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Review Accepted!

I write a fair number of online reviews…I did so even before I retired! While I will write reviews on many websites, they are concentrated on a few.  I am fairly active on Tripadvisor. I am a Top 100 reviewer on Wondrium (Great Courses), which sells and streams educational videos. And, of course, Amazon, although I am hit and miss on there as to whether I review a purchase or not.

I have never had a review rejected on Tripadvisor, but on Wondrium and Amazon I have had two on each site rejected.  At least on Wondrium there is a method in place for discussing with them why the review was rejected.  Amazon has an email address for this, but it strikes me as not being monitored.

Wondrium Rejected Reviews

I know Wondrium does, and I suspect that Amazon does too, that is that they use 3rd parties to monitor the reviews.  I had one review rejected then later accepted on Wondrium as I used the “foreign” phrase, “C’est la vie.” The reviewer, most likely with English as a second language, rejected it as they did not understand the phrase.

Wondrium also initially rejected my Continue reading “Review Accepted!”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,749

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Robin and I were gifted a couple electronic fly swatters a few years ago.  See the article: Rev. Joe Uncovers an International Conspiracy

Sad to say, I found out I was a bit sadistic as there is a certain sense of satisfaction watching and listening to a fly fry on the surface of the zapper.

I was wondering, though, if the zappers will work against cicadas. If you believe the news, we are about to have the cicada apocalypse here in St. Louis. The way they are going on, it has started to sound like a trailer for a Hitchcock movie.

Just saying.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,811

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Sitting on the throne, reading a book of trivia, I just discovered that the average American spends 6 months of their lives waiting at red lights.

This made me wonder how much time we spend while online waiting for ads to complete before we can watch the content we were after.  Your video will start in 29…28..27… seconds.  More than half the time if the ad is more than 5 seconds I hit the back button, skipping the video, and if I don’t do that I turn the sound off.

I could not find any studies specifically aimed at my question, but then again I was not going to spend a lot of time on the search. There were a bunch of calculations on how much time we spend watching commercials on TV.  Scary.

The epidemic of advertising on the Internet has turned into a bit of pet peeve of mine. See: Internet Littering

Of course there is an easy solution…don’t go in the water.

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Life is not ALL bad

The whole 16 years of our relationship, including the last 11 years of wedded bliss, Señora and I have slept in a queen size bed.  It was plenty of room for the two of us as we both like to touch at least a square centimeter or two of the other person’s skin as we sleep.

However, we both have back problems. Señora’s are logarithmically worse than mine.  We have swapped our three queen size mattresses around trying to find one that worked for our issues.  We even bought a new queen inner spring mattress shortly after I moved  back  to St. Louis from Memphis.  A year or so ago I bought a three inch mattress topper made of memory foam that was touted as being wonderful for back issues.  It worked superbly for me, not so much for Señora.  Plus it had the additional detriment of making it hard to turn over during the night.

So we started Continue reading “Life is not ALL bad”

Don’t wear them short socks…

I was in Columbia, Illinois at the first convenience store you encounter when you cross the Mississippi River into Illinois.  I stop there as it is cheaper to buy a soft drink for my round of golf there instead of at the golf course.

As I was standing in line a fellow came up behind me toting a 12 pack of Busch Light and talking on his cell phone a little loud, which is what caused me to notice him, although there was nothing unusual these days in this.

As I stood in line I heard him say, “I don’t wear those short socks.”

“Well,” I thought, “that is a bit of a strange conversation.”

Then he went on, “They don’t hide my ankle holster.”

My new best friend…not.

The rest of the conversation was about preferred grips on pistols.

In Missouri it is a free-for-all on concealed carried, and you do not even need a permit.  Illinois takes a totally different approach.  So either he was a Missouri resident and/or an Illinois scofflaw.

My personal opinion is that this country has a terminal illness when it comes to guns. Hunting is one thing, but I have a hard time imagining why anyone would need a pistol, and especially why they would  need to carry one concealed.

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