California’s Pot Vote

The only time bootleggers and preachers voted the same was to keep Prohibition.  Apparently this is the case again in California where the legalizing marijuana for recreational use is on the ballot.  Two big opponents funding the opposition to the bill are the liquor industry and the medical marijuana industry.  Both feel they will lose some portion of the profit pie they are currently enjoying.  Medical marijuana is going for $300 an ounce.  One study predicted with legalization for recreation use, a price drop of 90 percent.  That would bring it down to 1970s prices, and even cheaper if you consider our inflated dollars. 

It is crazy to keep this substance illegal for any number of well documented reasons.  The primary benefit to decriminalizing marijuana would be to take the profit out of the illegal drug trade.  If Al Capone was alive today he would be in the drug trade. A Mexican official said the best thing the United States could do for Mexico would be to legalize drugs. This would take away the profit that is driving the craziness of the drug cartels in that country and ours. 

Here is a link to a very interesting op-ed piece on that conservative rag, The New York Times: 

Reefer Gladness 

Interesting enough it has a quote from the original “Dude”, Jeff Dowd.  This is the fellow that the Coen Brothers based Jeff Bridges character on in the movie The Big Lebowski.

One Reply to “California’s Pot Vote”

  1. It’s always all about the money! We watched a cool documentary on this from Netflix – current “drug war” originated with Nixon, who figured the people protesting against him were also potheads, so he had laws written to enable locking them (us) up!

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