Bowling: How to Master the Game

Bowling: How to Master the GameBowling: How to Master the Game by Parker Bohn III available @ 


I am not sure who the intended audience for this book was. I not sure the authors knew who the intended audience was, either.

I bowled some as a young teenager. I’m in my 50s now and I have started to bowl some again. What I wanted and needed was a book of basic instruction on the proper techniques and strategy of bowling. Having read some of the reviews that is what I thought I was getting.

If I had been able to pick this book up in a bookstore and flip through it I would never have purchased it.

A big portion of the book is the history of bowling, bowling balls, pin boys, pin setting machines, and why there are 10 pins and not 9. It also devotes far too many pages to anecdotes of PBA pros. I wanted instruction.

I work in a technical field and I am used to reading manuals and sometimes obtuse material. I found myself skimming through this book trying to pull out some useful information.

Add to that endless page after page of spare diagrams with little explanation. Lane oil conditions may be where it is at on the pro bowling tour, but by the end of the book I was ready to sell my stock in Crisco.

Bottom line, if you want a good instruction manual save your money. If you want a nice coffee table book buy it.

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