Bigger and bigger and bigger…

Shoes that fit me fine just a few short months ago are no longer comfortable.  My big toe is bumping up against the front of them.  Last pair of running shoes I bought I had to step up a ½ size.  I am beginning to wonder if I should have stepped up a whole size.

Curiosity kicked in and I begin to wonder if people’s feet grow or flatten as they age.  I vaguely wondered if because I have been a little too heavy for a period of time it might have flattened my feet.

Turns out as we age the ligaments and tendons of the feet become less resilient and the foot flattens.  It is a common problem to need larger shoes.

There are other foot problems that develop as we age.  Read all about it right here. What’s in store for those aging feet?

Oh well… something else to look forward to.

3 Replies to “Bigger and bigger and bigger…”

  1. I thought the shoe market was messed up. Now I see it is my feet that are messed up. All those years of playing Superman and jumping off of stuff are coming back to haunt me.
    Size 13 and counting.

  2. Oh. Joy. And I thought the offshored shoe manufacturers were shrinking the shoes, figuring “surely, nobody has a foot this big”

  3. Hate to break it to you, but feet isn’t the begining or end of that. I’m tired of going to a medical professional and hearing ‘at your age’ as part of the conversation.

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