Before you vote, write a letter to your grandkids…

I was listening to a Living on Earth podcast as I was doing yard work this afternoon.  On one segment they were interviewing the author of The Optimist’s Telescope, Bina Venkataraman.

She made a point that struck home with me.  We are a society much too focused on the short term.  We are builders of quonset huts and not of cathedrals. When people go to vote they are thinking of their own immediate issues, probably whatever issue or problem is most current.  Her suggestion was before you go to vote, write a letter to your grandchildren or even great grandchildren. Explain to them why you voted they way you did.  The whole point being to make yourself think more of the long term.

This harks back to a theme I have mentioned several times in this blog, usufruct. It is actually a legal term referring to (layman here) the right to enjoy and profit from real property as long as you do not alter or damage it.  For me, this invokes the concept of stewardship.  We were handed this earth by the stewards that came before us, our ancestors.  We have an obligation to be stewards for the generations that are coming after us.

Write that damn letter to your grandkids.

Here is a link to that Interview with Venkataraman.

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