Barr and Pompeo Goosestepping to The Rapture

A fellow Luddite sent me this article by Yvonne Owens, Why, And To What, Have Mike Pompeo and William Barr Sold Their Souls?, with the following comment:

“If some or most of this is factual, it explains what has stumped me, maybe all of us, as to why the right-wing absolution of Putin. I’ve read various theories and hints at this explanation. This is the best dive into the story I’ve found.”

I will admit that when an author has laden an article with so many loaded terms I wonder about  the article in general.  BUT, I will have to admit I agree with her on many points.

My thoughts after reading the article.

I’ve been saying for years that religions are a form of mass psychosis.   It does seem like we have an administration full of psychotics, both in the religious sense and in the traditional.  What differentiates psychosis from neuroticism is that the former have lost touch with reality, which describes tRump and the GOP, IMHO.  At least when I try to imagine where they are coming from or what their reality is, I feel like I have stumbled onto a dirty peep show into an alternate reality.  Or maybe it is because I cannot imagine sane people acting they way they do.

Putin a religious man??? That is nearly as absurd as saying tRump is religious.  But if these nut jobs see him as so…  it would explain a lot.

I thought the dictum of divine ordination went out with kings and queens. To me that tRump is president  reinforces my opinion that there is no god.  To tRump I could add many other awful leaders from around the world that cause me to wonder that if there is a god, does he really care for humanity.

I probably should have read a link my overly religious, evangelical brother sent me that justified the Religious Right’s support of tRump.  I considered the source and  deleted it before reading, but I do wonder after reading this what their “logic” was.  Perhaps it is to be found.

And as always after such an outings as this article I think of John Lennon’s song, Imagine.

Keep well.

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