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This is a billboard by a church in Auckland, New Zealand

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I’m going with — “Oh Jesus!”  or perhaps — “Damn…what wild ass story am I going to sale to Joseph so he will still marry me!”


On the off-chance that the picture is a mystery to you, it is supposed to be the Virgin Mary holding a stick from a pregnancy test that reads positive.

There is no turning away from the memory

I don’t remember her name.  I don’t even remember her face.  I was 12 or 13 and there were a group of us in the back of an old pick-em-up truck headed for the swimming hole.  I remember she was very brown from the Oklahoma sun , dressed in a bikini and I thought her to be an amazing beauty.

I must have gotten a whiff of her pheromones. That along with the sight of her bikini clad body awoke something in me I had never felt before.  It was the first time I felt desire, a need to touch the flesh of another human.  I did not really know what it was.  In all actuality, it scared me straight into puberty.  This emotion, this urge that felt like it wanted to consume me.  In confusion and fright I turned away to watch the country side passing by.  There is no turning away from the memory.  It has stayed with me all these years.

Congress is doing something right?!?!?!?

I just signed a petition to show my support for a new bill in Congress that would actually would actually help turn our economy around by ending the wars, raising taxes on millionaires, creating 5 million jobs in just two years, and more.

It’s up to us to stand with the few brave members of Congress who are willing to push for the “unrealistic” ideas that would actually create solutions and force anyone who stands in the way to explain themselves — or get out of the way.

Can you join me in showing your support at the link below?  Link removed – 2011 article



Wal-Mart Could Easily Pay $12 an Hour

I referenced this same article in a previous blog, but I think it is important enough to pull out by itself.

“Raising the pay of Wal-Mart’s U.S. workers to a minimum of $12 an hour would lift many out of poverty, reduce their reliance on public assistance, and cost the average consumer, at most, $12.49 a year.

That’s the conclusion of a new study published by the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education.  The study is primarily concerned with the question of how raising Wal-Mart’s wages would affect poor families, including both those who work at its stores and those who shop at them.  The benefits to poor families, the study concludes, would far exceed the costs.

Read the whole article at Wal-Mart Could Easily Pay $12 an Hour

Occupy Wal*Mart

6 Members of Walton Family Have More Money Than The Bottom 30% of Americans

From article at

When you consider how these folks have gotten this obscenely rich it is past obscene.  They have built this wealth off exploiting their workers,  small businesses,  cheap foreign labor, attacking the middle class, and generally turning us into a LCD (lowest common denominator) society.  Have I mentioned that they hate puppies, apple pie, and the American way?

Just a few of things I can think of off the top of head:

Wal*Mart has consistently underpaid its workers.  This is especially troubling as they are the largest private employer in the United States, employing some 2.2 million souls as of the latest data.  To give some perspective, the Federal government employs 2,823,777 which include 296,628 part-timers.  If you total up the employment of all 50 state governments you come up with 4,283,597 FTEs.  The next closest private employer to Wal-Mart, IBM, employs 436,000.

See chart below for listing of the top 10 private employers in the U.S.A. Continue reading “Occupy Wal*Mart”

And the “N” Word is…

I wrote a blog entry a while back about racist attitudes, Bigotry – Confront or Ignore? Apparently my son and his wife were discussing the article.  I am sure it had a little more meaning for her as her step-father is black.  They were discussing the “N” word using that term.  My grandson overheard them and wanted to know what the “N” word was…NASCAR?

Yes, Jordan NASCAR, and don’t you forget it.

Bigger and bigger and bigger…

Shoes that fit me fine just a few short months ago are no longer comfortable.  My big toe is bumping up against the front of them.  Last pair of running shoes I bought I had to step up a ½ size.  I am beginning to wonder if I should have stepped up a whole size.

Curiosity kicked in and I begin to wonder if people’s feet grow or flatten as they age.  I vaguely wondered if because I have been a little too heavy for a period of time it might have flattened my feet.

Turns out as we age the ligaments and tendons of the feet become less resilient and the foot flattens.  It is a common problem to need larger shoes.

There are other foot problems that develop as we age.  Read all about it right here. What’s in store for those aging feet?

Oh well… something else to look forward to.