The lie that is the H-1B program

From the linked article at Mother Jones:dunce1

“And it applies in a similarly upside-down way to foreign tech workers, who, according to a study released yesterday by the Economic Policy Institute, demonstrate no more talent in important areas than similarly educated Americans, and in some cases may be less qualified.”

“There are, of course, reasons for this that have nothing to do with intelligence. More than 80 percent of H-1B visa holders are approved to be hired at wages below those paid to American workers for comparable positions, according to EPI. And because H-1B workers and green card applicants are locked into jobs with whatever employer sponsors their visa, they have less less leverage to push for raises and promotions. As Matloff puts it, “the worker becomes a de facto indentured servant.”

Are Foreigners Smarter Than US Workers?

Can you get any more red neck than this?

Can you get any more red neck than this?   “BUBBA” for your license  plate. Now add in hanging Truck Nutz, but not the purchased sort.  The sort made from over-sized real machine nuts!   The quality of the picture is poor as I had to drive 80 mph to stay up with him, and only caught him when he ran into slower traffic in the passing lane.  Robin shot this through my dirty windshield with a camera phone.  I just had to have evidence of what I saw.



Letter to a North American Manufacturer

Seabreeze International Corporation
361 Rowntree Dairy Rd #3
Vaughan, ON L4L 8H1

Dear Sir/Madam:

I purchased a model SF6000TA electric space heater from many other available models primary because it was made in North America. Some of the reviews online also gave me a warm fuzzy about my proposed purchase. Your product comes at a price premium compared to similar products from China, but I ignored this as it is important to me to buy products made closer to home.

I noticed the shipping container that my heater arrived in was a cardboard box made in China. Perhaps you should rethink your sourcing of these sorts of products in your business. I want to support manufacturing in North America. I do not think it should be a stretch for North American manufacturers to support manufacturing in North America.

Just a thought.


American Savings?!?!

From Freakanomics…

50% of Americans say they cannot lay their hands on $2000 in 30 days.   Why $2000, because that is a good guess at what an average, sudden crisis would cost.  20% of households making $150,000 per year say they cannot come up with the $2000.

On the flip side an American household spends on average $520 per year on lotteries.  20% of households say their only chance of accumulating wealth is the lottery.  40% of households making less than $25,000 a year make that claim.

Just something to chew on. Sorry link was taken down…