Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 4,320

yeah I know you did not ask!

Not all things should use the capitalist/profit paradigm. One big one is pharmaceuticals. We are all already being taxed by excessive drug prices. Have the government support pharmaceutical research at the CDC and at various universities across the countries. They could aim their research dollars towards conditions most needed, rather than those that would bring in the most profit. Drugs could then be sold and manufactured for a reasonable profit, and not at prices inflated to “support R&D”.

Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Miserables_Vol1_1201As good as the play is it is but a hearty soup when compared to the book. Of course, at 1100 pages, some folks may consider the book a gluttonous meal. For this reader, in those 1100 pages, I found very few times that the book dragged.

The book is many things besides the story of Jean Valjean and company. At its heart it is a religious work. At the beginning of the 7th book of volume II, Hugo pens:

“This book is a drama, whose leading personage is the Infinite. Man is the second.”

With the story as the driver, Hugo interweaves history, philosophy, sociology, politics, religion and accounts of contemporary social norms and practices. Ultimately, it is a book about morality and self-sacrifice.

This is a story we all know well from the play and from the movies.

Jean Valjean is sentenced to the galleys, Continue reading “Les Misérables by Victor Hugo”

Pit Bull Christmas

038aI have a hypothesis that is likely totally bogus, but I am running with it anyway.  My supposition deals with older women and pets, particularly cats and especially small dogs.  As a woman passes the age of fecundity, as she passes the period of child rearing she does not lose her mothering instinct, her need to nurture.  Small dogs fulfill this role admirably. Small dogs are not so big as to overwhelm one, or so big that they take over the house.  Small dogs are in most ways much easier to care for. They are frequently very loyal and loving to their primary care giver.  Plus, many are as cute as the proverbial speckled pup under a red wagon.  Another one of my hypotheses is that as the genders age, they become similar.  I’m betting this one has a less of a chance of being bogus.  One reason I think this is that you frequently see older men with small dogs.  Perhaps they are walking them for their spouses.  Continue reading “Pit Bull Christmas”