Wisdom from the Alzheimer’s ward

My mother who cannot remember my name; my mother who thinks her mother is still alive which would make my grandmother 119 years old;  my mother who was surprised when I reminded her that she was once married; my mother who wanted to know what restaurant we were at as the staff at her nursing home was putting out dinner… Sung the whole chorus to this song 5 or 6 times in the hour I was there.  I really found it a piece of wisdom from a surprising source.  Of course, the song does have an “eat, drink, and do Mary for tomorrow we die” theme to it.   But sometimes that is not bad advice.

I have included the YouTube video of a Guy Lombardo rendition of the song below.

Just for the record my mother has  been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  She is in a lock-in memory management unit at The Baptist Village in Oklahoma.

Transgender Bathrooms

4715One of the big issues waging in the never ending culture wars is “bathroom” laws.  This has been brought on by attempting to deal with transgender folks on a level that meets their needs.  Transgender people would like use public restrooms that match what they perceive as their gender identity.  Many states have passed laws attempting to force transgender people to use public restrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates.

First a confession, Continue reading “Transgender Bathrooms”

The Parable of the Wee Dog

The Wee Dog

The Wee Dog is a terrier mix.  Or as I am fond of saying, “part terrier and part mama got out.” I call her the Wee Dog because she weighs in at a whopping 14 or 15 pounds.  However, most of it is muscle with the rest some very wild, wiry black and white fur.  The fur over her eyes has a tendency to grow and droop over those organs. The Wee Dog’s mother aka Robin works diligently to keep this area trimmed as well as the rest of the wilderness that is her coat.  For whatever reason through my anthropomorphizing eyes the Wee Dog always looks very worried.

Being a rescue dog the Wee Dog has some issues, most of which she has grown out over the last year or so. Continue reading “The Parable of the Wee Dog”

Mr. Blunt — You have blood on your hands

bloody handI recently contacted both of the Senators from Missouri and my Congresswoman, Ann Wagner.

The reason for my contact was to support President Obama in his push to institute some sanity in gun regulation and control by executive action. This dysfunctional Congress is unable and unwilling to address this important issue. Meanwhile 30,000 Americans a year continue to Continue reading “Mr. Blunt — You have blood on your hands”


So I am standing in line at Sam’s (go figure that there was a line in Sam’s), and the guy powerballbehind me starts talking about the $900 million Powerball. I comment how it is amazing how people go crazy when the jackpot gets this high as it would be life changing for most folks if they won $2 million.

He then comments that maybe if he won he would buy the Rams.

He thinks a minute longer then goes, “Nah, no worth it.”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 7,072

yeah I know you did not ask!

Have you noticed that people talk about social media, especially Facebook, in terms of drug addiction? Anything thought about in those terms cannot be good in the long run. The question then becomes the same as for any agent that modifies our body or mind. Is the good it does more than the harm/side effects? No answers just the question.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 4,502

yeah I know you did not ask!

It seems like a natural disaster or personal tragedy brings out the best in many folks. A sense of community and shared responsibility, dare I say socialism exists. People are willing to go to extremes to help and give what they have for complete strangers.   How wonderful it would be if this attitude caring and love persisted when our situation was less urgent.

3:39 a.m. – Random Thoughts

Staring at the unseen ceiling at 03:39 a.m. with random thoughts trying to rattle their way into or maybe out of my thoughts…

  • Life is a machine for generating regrets
  • Never regret being kind, even when it does not work out the way you intended.  It was still the right thing to do
  • It’s worn and trite and all too true… when it is all said and done all we have are each other
  • When I was young used to think old age was the way God prepared folks so they could let go of life. Now as someone on the cusp of that phase of my life, I think old age and the ungraceful exit so many people get to make is proof that there is no god, that there is no intelligent design.
  • We need to remember that most of us most of the time are really doing the best we can
  • Not only do we need to forgive each other, we need to forgive ourselves
  • All too often we take things far too seriously when it is just the other person stuck in their own bag of skin